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Dil Seç



Area: 28.488 km²
Population: 767.481 (1990)
Traffic Code: 58
The province of Sivas is located at the eastern part of the Central Anatolian Region and is located on the course of the historical Silk Road and the Kings Road. The province of Sivas provides interesting vacation possibilities for visitors with its natural beauties, historical background and thermal springs.
Districts: Sivas (center), Akıncılar, Altınyayla, Divriği, Doğanşar, Gemerek, Gülova, Gürün, Hafık, İmranlı, Kangal, Koyulhisar, Suşehri, Şarkışla, Ulaş, Yıldızeli, Zara.
 How to Get
Highway : Bus Station: The bus station is located at the city center and the transportation is possible via minibuses and municipality buses. telephone of the Bus Station: (+ 90 - 346) 226 15 90
Highway : The railway station is located at the city center and the transportation is possible via minibuses and municipality buses. Telephone of the Railway Station: (+ 90 - 346) 221 10 91
Air Transportation : The Sivas Airport is located at 20 km. distance to the city center and the transportation is possible via the service busses of the Flight company. Telephone of the Airport: (+ 90 - 346) 227 02 62
 Where to Visit
Atatürk Congress and Ethnography Museum: The structure in which the Sivas Congress was held between the dates 4 - 11 September 1919 was used as Sivas High School until 1981. The official meetings of the Sivas Congress were held between the dates 4 - 11 September 1919 at the hall which was used as a headquarter by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Heyet-i Temsiliye (Representative Committee) for three and a half months. The structure was rearranged as a museum in 1990.
Telephone of the Museum: (+ 90 - 346) 221 04 46 Open hours to visit : 08.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00 Open days to visit : Everyday except Mondays
İnönü Museum: This structure is a typical Sivas house in which the second president of the Turkish Republic İsmet İnönü had accommodated during his senior school education career between 1891 -1897. There are historical weapons, copper hand crafts, coins shawls of Gürün district, three skirt dresses, hand crafted ethnographic creations and the photographs and equipment used by İnönü while staying in the house are on exhibit.
Telephone of the Museum: (+ 90 - 346) 221 10 01 Open hours to visit : 08.30 - 12.30 / 13.30 - 17.00
Aşık Veysel Museum: The house of the great folk singer Aşık Veysel was nationalized in 1979. The building was restored and entered into service as a museum in 1982. The museum contains the private property, photographs and the poems of Aşık Veysel.
Telephone of the Museum: (+ 90 - 346) 597 40 02 Open days to visit : Everyday except Mondays
Şifaiye Theological School: The structure is located at the city center inside the Seljukian park just opposite of the Double Minaret Theological School. The structure was constructed by the Sultan of the Seljukians I. İzzeddin Keykavus in 1217. The theological school was one of the oldest and greatest of the Anatolian Seljukian Medical schools and hospitals. The Sultan of the Seljukians I. İzzeddin Keykavus had died in 1220 and rests at a mausoleum south of the Şifaiye Theological school as he had willed.
Çifte Minareli (Double Minaret) Theological School: The theological school is located at the city center. The building was constructed by the vizier of İlhanlı, Şemseddin Mehmet Cüveyni in 1271. Only the original eastern side of the structure is still standing.
Gök Theological School: The structure is located in the city center. It was constructed by the Seljukian vizier Sahip Ata Fahreddin Ali in 1271. The structure was named as Gök Theological School because of the blue tiles on the double minarets rising at both sides of the gate. The corolla gate which is one of the wonders of the plastic arts is constructed from the marble and the both sides of the gate is covered with one in another animal figures. There is a small mosque at the right side of the entrance while the chamber of Dar-ül Hadis is located at the left side.
Buruciye Theological School: The structure is located in the city center. The major characteristics of the structure are the stone masonry at the gates and the tiles of the mausoleum located at the left side.
Divriği Ulu Mosque: The Divriği Ulu Mosque, which is accepted to the list of World's Heritages List by UNESCO was constructed by monarch Ahmet Şah, son of Süleyman Şah in 1228. There are three gates to the mosque from northern, eastern and western directions which are adorned with beautiful stone masonry creations. The Darüşşifa building of the structure was constructed by the daughter of Behram Şah, Melike Turan Melek in 1228. This unique monument sits on an area of 768 m2. As the structure was transformed into a theological school in 18th century, the structure is also called as the Şifaiye Theological school.
Ulu Mosque (Center): The mosque is located inside the city center at the quarter mentioned with the same name. According to the inscription exhibited in the Sivas Museum, the mosque is a Seljukian Period creation which was constructed between dates 1196 - 1197 by the Scarlet Aslan bin İbrahim. The mosque is a typical and important sample of the Ulu Mosque style which were constructed during the reign of State Governments in Anatolia. The structure was constructed from the shear stones and has a plain artisanship.
Şeyh Hasan Bey Vault (Short Minaret): The structure is located in the city center. As the structure is founded on a square pedestal with cylindrical brick work and have a short minaret, it is called as the Short Minaret among the local folk.
The other mausoleums and mosques of the province are Ahi Emir Ahmet Mausoleum, Şemseddin Sivas-i Mausoleum, Akbaşbaba Mausoleum, Şeyh Erzurum-i Mausoleum, Kadı Burhaneddin Mausoleum, Süt Evliyası Mausoleum, Bum Baba Mausoleum, Arap Evliyası Mausoleum, Arap Şeyh Mausoleum, Meydan Mosque, Ali Ağa Mosque, Ali baba Mosque and Mausoleum, Sitte Melik Mausoleum, Kemareddin Mausoleum, Nureddin Salih (Kemankeş) Mausoleum in Divriği district, the Çepni Mosque in Gemerek, Kemenkeş Kara Mustafa Mosque and Bath and Şeyh Halil Mausoleum in Yıldızeli, Şeyh Merzuban Mausoleum in Zara.
Gök Thelogical Schools (Center): The theological school is located inside the city center, to the southeast of Sivas Castle. The theological school was constructed by the Grand Visier of the Anatolian Seljukian Principality and “Father of Pious Foundations” (Ebu'l Hayrat) Sahip Ata Fahreddin Ali in the year 1271 as the theological school in whichthe astrology science was teached. Because of the blue tiles on the double minarets rising above the corolla gates,the structure was called as the Gök Medrese (Sky Theological School). The corolla gate, which is one of the wonders of the plastic art contains a major light - shadow system because of the marble material used in construction. The fountain, the windows, the reinforcement towers and the double minaret located at the frontai side of the structure enhances the importance of the corolla gate.
Kale (Castle) Mosque (Center): The mosque is located at the citycenter. The structure was constructed by Mahmut Pasha who was the governor of Sivas and one of the viziers of III. Sultan Murat in 1580. With its plan arrangement, architecture style, decoration elements and thin, long and elegant minaret, the mosque is the most beautiful mosque of the city remained from the Ottoman period.
Çifte Minareli Medrese (Double Minaret Thelogical Schools) (Center): The structure is located at the citycenter. The structure has rectangular plan and only the frontal section and the minarets are still standing in the present day. The stcructure was constructed by the İlhanlı vizier Sahip Şemseddin Mehmet Cüveyni in 1271. The structure has the biggest portal among the other theological schools in Anatolia.
Divriği Ulu Mosque and Darüşşifa (Lunatic Asylum And Hospital) (Divriği): The structure complex of Ulu Mosque and Darüşşifa (Lunatic Asylum and Hospital) are located to the south of the Divriği Castle and they are contiguous structures. The complex was constructed by Ahmet Shah, son of the Monarch of the Mengüçoğulları, Süleyman Şah in 1228. According to the Architectural respect, the structure had been taken under protection on the basis of "Protection of the Cultural Inheritance of the World ". The best quality samples of the stonemasonry and woodcarving can be found in this mosque. The structure displays different properties than the Anatolian Seljukian art with its characteristics of architecture and decoration.
Kale (Castle) Mosque (Divriği): The mosque is located in the Divriği district. It was constructed in 1180 by Emir İshak, son of Süleyman Shah. Although the structure has a rich external appereance, the interior section is plain.
The major inns and baths of the province are the Çorapçı Inn, Burma Inn and Mirçinge Inn at Divriği district, Meydan Bath and the M. Ali Bath at the city center.
Demiryurt Caves: There are approximately 50 caves located at the vicinity of the Zara district Demiryurt village. Some of these caves are side by side while some are layered. These caves were constructed by mankind and used as a shelter during and after the spreading of the Christianity.
The Kangal Thermal Springs with Fish: The thermal springs are located 96 km. away from Sivas and 13 km. away from Kangal district at the Kangal Creek Valley located northeast of Kangal. Fishes not more than 10 cm length live at the waters of the thermal spring. These fishes assist the cure of the skin diseases such as acne, wound, eczema and nacre by cleaning the wounds. It is possible to find accommodation and restaurants in Çermik.
Hot Çermik: The thermal spring is located 31 km away from the city center. It is known that the waters of this spring is good for rheumatism, neural and muscle disorders, gynecological, skin and kidney diseases. It is possible to find accommodation and restaurants.
Cold Çermik: The thermal spring is located 17 km away from the city center and the temperature of the waters of the spring are around 28 degrees. The waters of the spring are good for stomach, intestines and ballast diseases. The waters also assist the cure of rheumatism and neural diseases.
There are also thermal springs at the Suşehri, Şarkışla and Yıldızeli districts serving the local folk.
Kangal Balıklı (Yılanlı) Çermik
Location: 17 km northeast of Kangal, 100km southeast of Sivas in Central Anatolia.
Transport: There are regular buses from the centre of Sivas.
Water temperature: 36°C
pH value: 7.3
Physical and chemical properties: Isothermal, hypertonic, oligometallic water containing bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium.
Recommended Applications: Drinking – 3-4 cups in morning on empty stomach. Bathing - 6-8 hours a day, with breaks. Drinking alcohol during treatment is prohibited. Applying medication to wounds during treatment may be hazardous. Treatment should continue for at least 21 days.
Helps to heal: The 2-8 cm fish in the waters aid in the healing of skin ailments like shallow wounds, pustule, eczema and psoriasis. The 15-30 cm snakes help to heal erysipelas (St. Anthony's Fire).
Accommodation: There are two hotels at the spring.
The major promenade places of the province could be counted as the Paşa Factory area, Ethem Bey Park and the Akdeğirmen Promenade area located at Sivas city center, the Karaçayır promenade area located 27 km to the city center, the Sızır Waterfall (Obruk Waterfall) located inside the borders of Sızır borough of the Gemerek district, the Koyunkaya promenade place which is 12 km away from the İmranlı district and the Eğriçimen Plateau which is located 20 km away from the Koyulhisar district.
İl: Sivas
Provinces: Hafik, Zara
Surface Area: 750
Altitude: 1295 m
Protection: N/A
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with macar ördeği (40 pairs) population.
Main Characteristics: light salty lake, swamp
Matched category: B2
Hunting: As the province is located at the borders of three different geographic regions, and the roughness and the sternness of the area varies the natural habitat. It is possible to find hunting animals like partridge, quail, mountain goat and wild rabbit.
Line Fishing: The swamps and the marshy areas at Hafik, Çukurbelen, Merkez İlçe, Seyfebeli localities inhabits wild ducks, wild gooses are encountered in each lake and crane birds are encountered at the two islands on the Tödürge Lake. The Kızılırmak and Yıldızırmak, Çaltı Creek and other various sized creeks and the lakes as Tödürge, Hafik, Lota, Gürün and Gökpınar are available sweet waters for line fishing.
The majority of the Sivas Province is under the effect of the terrestrial Central Anatolian Region climate in which the summer seasons are hot and dry while winter seasons are cold and snowy. However the northern region of the province is effected by the Black Sea Climate while the eastern portion is affected by the properties of the Eastern Anatolian higher regional climate.
According to the written historical sources, the region of Sivas province was first inhabited during the period of the Hittite civilization by the beginning of BC 2000 and become an important settlement. The region then encountered the reign of Frigian, Lydian, Asurian, Roman, Byzantine, Seljukian, Danişment, ilhanlı, Eretna and Ottoman civilizations.
The foundations of the modern Turkish Republic was laid in the Sivas Congress assembled in 4 September 1919 at the presidency of Great Leader Atatürk and therefore the province of Sivas had become an important city for the History of the Turkish nation.
 Where to Eat
The meal varieties of the Sivas province mostly depend on the cereals. Keş, peskutan, çökelik are the meal varieties produced from the milk products.
In summer seasons ayranlı, pancarlı soup , madımak, evelik, düğürcek meal; in winters pastries as tırhıt, sübüra, kelecoş, tarhana, içli köfte, hıngel are consumed at the region. The Sivas kebab is also famous. The common bread varieties cooked locally are kül çöreği, fodla, kömbe cooked with potato or cheese, kete, lavaş and yufka.
 What to Buy
Entirely woolen and tightly knitted carpets, famous Sivas pileless carpets, bed clothing and wall decorations produced from a special clothing called tülüce, hand weaved socks, wooden mouthpieces, combs, jackknives and knifes, copper crafts and silver jewelry are original souvenir varieties of Sivas province.
The shopping centers are mostly massed at the Atatürk Avenue. The major shopping malls are Şifaiye Theological School building, Belediye Bazaar, Jewelers Bazaar and Paşa Mosque environ.
 Don't Leave Without
- Visiting Atatürk Congress and Ethnography Museum,
- Visiting Gök Theological School and Double Minaret Theological School,
- Visiting Divriği Ulu Mosque and Darüşşifası and Divriği Mansions, Kangal Thermal Spring with fishes and the Kangal dogs raised in Ulaş Governmental Production Ranch.,
- Tasting Sivas Kebab at the city center,
- Buying Sivas carpet and pileless carpet, Sivas silverware, Sivas knife, mouthpiece and pen
- Participating the 4 September Culture and Art Festival
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Sivas
Archaeological Sites: 131
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: 3
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 6
Total: 141
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 364
TOTAL: 505
 Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-346) 224 45 45
Municipality : (+90-346) 221 01 10
Hospital : (+90-346) 221 60 10
Police : (+90-346) 215 11 00
Gendarme : (+90-346) 225 23 91
Provincial Directorate : (+90-346) 221 35 35
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (346) 221 35 06 Fax: (346) 223 92 99
Sivas State Turkish Folk Music Choir Directorate
Address: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Sivas
Choir Tel: (0 346) 223 14 54 - 223 41 10
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Atatürk Kültür Merkezi SİVAS
Tel: (0 346) 221 51 281 Fax: 223 92 99
Archeology Museum
Address: Buruciye Medresesi - Sivas
Tel: (346) 221 25 68
Ethnography Museum
Address: Ordu Evi Karşısı - Sivas
Tel: (346) 221 04 46 Fax: (346) 224 40 67
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GN.K.B. K.K.K. D.K.K.

H.K.K. J.GN.K. S.G.K.










