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Area: 15.355 km²
Population: 1.094.996 (1990)
Traffic Code: 21
Diyarbakır is a city that must be seen with its long ramparts , Malabadi bridge and it's typical architecture of wide floored houses to reduce the effects of the heat since the temperature reaches to 40 - 50 thermometer during certain days of the summer months.
Districts: Diyarbakır (center), Bismil, Çermik, Çınar, Çüngüş, Dicle, Eğil, Ergani, Hani, Hazro, Kocaköy, Kulp, Lice, Silvan.
 How to Get
Highway : Voyages from Diyarbakır to almost every region of Turkey is possible by coach transportation. Coach station placed at city center. Travelers transported to city center by minibuses.
Coach Station Tel: (+90-412) 221 10 27
Airway : Airport is 3 kilometer from city center. There are regular flights to Ankara and Istanbul.
Airport Tel: (+90-412) 228 84 01 - 228 84 02
 Where to Visit
ArcheologyMuseum: First museum of Diyarbakır opened at the year of 1934 in the Senceriye (Zinciriye) Theology school, an extension of Ulu Mosque. In 1985 it is transported to a new building on Elazığ Avenue. Traces remaining from Neolithic Age, Old Bronze Age, Urartu, Asurian, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk, Akkoyunlu and Ottoman periods have been exhibited with a chronological order. Coins, local materials, ethnographic works of art, the majority of which remained from Artuklu period have also been exhibited in the museum.
Museum Tel:(+90-412) 221 27 55
ZiyaGökalpMuseum - House: One of the samples of typical civil architecture of Diyarbakır, this house was built in 1808. This house where the famous intellectual Ziya Gökalp was born in the year of 1876, was bought from his inheritors in 1953, and opened to visit at the date of March,23 1956 as a museum - house. Beside the items belonging to the poet, ethnographic works of art of the region are exhibited at the museum.
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Museum - House (Culture Museum): Building that is at the Diyarbakır city center, in Cami-i Kebir quarter, on Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı street, is dated to 1820.One of the most beautiful sample of typical civil architecture of Diyarbakır, it havesurvived to our present day.
Museum Tel : (+90-412) 223 08 02
Diyarbakır Ramparts: These Diyarbakır ramparts famous for being the longest second rampart after the great wall of China, are 5.5 km long and 7 - 8 m high. Black Basalt Ramparts composed of 16 castles and 5 main gates are the most attractive places of the city. Magnificent sample of mediaeval military architecture, these ramparts were decorated with inscriptions and embossments.
Ramparts restored by Byzantine Emperor Costantinus in 349 B.C. But the exact date of their construction is not knowned.
Çayönü Ruins: On Elazığ highway, 65 km north west of Diyarbakır, in Ergani county, Çayönü antique city is dating back to the Neolithic Age that is its long history reaches back to 9000 years ago. It is estimated that this place of settlement is one of the first permanent settlement places. Findings that have been brought into light around the primitive settlement place of Çayönü, grind stones, flint stones, various items made from bone and clay are exhibited at Diyarbakır Archeology Museum.
MalabadiBridge: It is near the Silvan county on the Batman brook. Among the stone ramparts in the world, it is the one with the widest arch.
Mosques and Churches
Magnificent with their historical and architectural properties, Nebi Mosque and Safa Mosque are the most famous mosques of Diyarbakır. Ulu Mosque built by Sultanı Melik Shah of Seljuks, displays an interesting outlook with its original design and usage of either Byzantine or older architectural materials and is one of the oldest mosques of Turkey.
77 km east to Diyarbakır, in Silvan county and built in 1185 Ulu Mosque is worth seeing with its well - bred embossments decorated on gate arches.
Diyarbakır Mosques and Churches
Ulu Mosque (Center): It is known as fifth Harem-i Şerif in Islamic world. After the conquest of Diyarbakır by Islamic armies, the biggest Christian temple of the city, Mar-Tama church had been converted into a mosque in 639. It was repaired in 1091 during Great Seljuk Sultan, Melikşah period. The mosque which was repaired with the aids of the public in 1240, after it had been greatly demolished due to the earthquake and fire, . This initial Islamic structure, which has a great value in connection with inscriptions of various periods and şadırvans on its courtyard, was constructed with black stones.
Anatolian oldest mosque, Ulu Mosque, still draws attention today as a monumental structures group with surrounding two theology schools and other structures. In connection with its plan, it is similar to the Ummiye and Emevi mosques, constructed between 705 and 715.
Behram Paşa Mosque (Center): Mosque constructed by 13th Ottoman Governor Behram Paşa, is one of the most beautiful samples of the Ottoman architecture. Embroidered balcony of the mosque is a master pieces of art.
Şeyh Matar Mosque (Center): Four feet minaret and mosque, is an Akkoyunlu piece of art, and is constructed in 1500 by Sultan Kasım. Minaret was located on a single piece column as four edged. Usage of kiln - dried wood on the columns is also a characteristic of the minaret. According to a belief the wishes of a person who passes between the columns for seven times will be accepted.
Safa Mosque (Center): Mosque, which is constructed on 1532, is an Akkoyunlu piece of art. Its minaret, which is rumored that preserved within a cover, is very elegant.
Meryem Ana (Mother Mary) Church (Center): It is remaining from VIth century, and repaired for several times in the course of time. Its niche, remaining from Bizantium period, Roman shaped door is drawing attention. There are mausoleums of some saints within the church. Church, which belongs to Süryani Kadim Yakubi sect, has descriptions of some saints.
Among the most important churches of Diyarbakır, Mart Thoma, Meryem Ana (the Virgin Mary Church), Kırklar Church and Mart Pityon Church can be mentioned. Meryem Ana Church (the Virgin Mary Church), still been used by a few Süryani (Christian) community in the city.
Diyarbakır has important inns because of its being one of the center of the Historical Silk Road. Inside the Deliller Inn, Hasan Pasha, Çiftehan and Yeni Inn, there are shopping stores that are selling rugs, carpets and silver embroidery as it was usual in history.
Caravanserai: Caravanserai that is worth seeing with its architecture and interior structure, today restored and formed as hotel.
Location: Just outside Cermik, around 90km west of Diyarbakir in South Eastern Anatolia.
Water temperature: 48°C
pH value: 6.3
Physical and chemical properties: Bicarbonate, chlorine, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and mildly radioactive.
Recommended: Applications Drinking and bathing
Helps to heal: Rheumatism, skin and respiratory conditions, gynaecological disorders, joint pain and calcium build-up.
Accommodation: Hotel with 100 beds.
Rough and dry terrestrial climate is domiant in Diyarbakır province.
While the history of Diyarbakır is estimated to be dated back to 3000 BC., recent excavations and researches carried out at Çayönü have revealed that civilization history in Diyarbakır can be traced to 7500 BC. Hurrian and Mitanni Kingdoms, Hittite, Assyrian, Meds, Persians, Great Alexander, Romans, Byzantine, Arabians, Seljuk and Ottomans dominated in Diyarbakır and its environs.
 Where to Eat
Especially famous for its Water Melon of enourmous sizes , Diyarbakır is very rich in terms of its cuisine.Liver kebab sold on counters of the shops during the late hours of the night known as cartlak kebab, is one of the traditional meals of region.
Kibebumbar, the richest meal of Diyarbakır, cooked by the mixture of tripe and intestine, rice, peppermint, pepper and salt. Moreover içli köfte, çiğ köfte, bulgur pilavı (kind of rice), kaburga, keşkek, Kibuku, Lebeni are meals of the region, while burma kadayıf and Nuriye desert are the famous desserts of the region. Dried layers of grape and grape sausage, otlu cheese, örgü cheese, sumac are other widely prefered meals.
 Where to Buy
Handiworks, bracelet made of woven straw, kiniş necklace, pattens and shelves embroidered with silver are creations that are likely to be bought from Jeweleries. Hand made rugs and carpets are produced in villages.
 Don't Leave Without
- Wandering around Diyarbakır Ramparts,
- Seeing Malabadi Bridge,
- Seeing Old Diyarbakır Houses
- Visiting Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Archeology Museums,
- Eating kaburga meal at Selim Amca, drinking root of liquorice plant,
- Buying Diyarbakır rush mat
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Diyarbakır
Archaeological Sites: 73
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: 1
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 2
Total: 77
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 434
TOTAL: 511
 Contact Information
OHAL Governorship : (+90-412) 228 63 00
Diyarbakır Governorship : (+90-412)224 74 87
Municipality : (+90-412)224 11 55
Hospital : (+90-412)228 54 30-34
Police : (+90-412) 248 83 55
Gendarme : (+90-412) 319 25 18
Provincial Directorate : (+90-412) 221 78 40
Tourism Information Office : (+90-412) 221 78 40 - 224 09 30
Provincial Culture Office : (+90-412) 221 00 99
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (412) 221 00 99
Fax: (412) 224 42 02
Diyarbakır State Classical Turkish Music Choir Directorate
Address: Lise Cad. R. Ali Emiri Sok. Eski T.M.O. Binası Zemin Kat Diyarbakır
Choir Tel: (0 412) 224 60 14 - 15
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Dağkapı Burcu DİYARBAKIR
Tel: (0 412) 222 64 69
Fax: 244 42 02
Diyarbakır Museum
Address: Ziya Gökalp Bulvarı - Diyarbakır
Tel: (412) 221 27 55
Fax: (412) 223 08 02


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