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Dil Seç




Area: 5.862 km²
Population: 265.153 (1990)
Traffic Code: 57
The province of Sinop is located at the most northern point of the Black Sea Region at the most narrow section of the Boztepe Peninsula. The province is one of the most beautiful natural seaports of the Black Sea Region. The province is one of the oldest cities of the region and is the birth lace of the philosopher Diogene. The city provides unbelievable beauties to its visitors with the beaches which lie one each other.
Districts : Ayancık, Boyabat, Dikmen, Durağan, Erfelek, Gezde, Saraydüzü and Türkeli.
 How to Get
Highway The bus station is located at the city center. Telephone of the Bus station: (+ 90 - 368) 260 03 04
Sea Transportation The port of the Sinop province is located at the city center. Telephone of the seaport: (+ 90 - 368) 261 71 Telephone of the Naval Bureau: (+ 90 - 368) 261 59 05
Air Transportation The distance between the Sinop airport and the city center is approximately 8 km. The transportation is possible via minibuses or commercial taxis. Telephone of the Airport: (+ 90 - 368) 271 44 55 The Sinop Branch of The Turkish Airlines: (+ 90 - 368) 260 24 70
 Where to Visit
SinopCastle The castle was founded on the peninsula in BC 7th Century in order to protect the city. The castle was restored and used in Roman, Byzantine and Seljukian periods and. One section of the castle still protects its glory in modern times. The ramparts of the castle are 2050 m. long, 25 m. high and 3m. width and there are two main entrance gates.
Old Sinop Prison The area where the prison was constructed was the area where the largest shipyard the Black Sea region of the Ottoman period. The prison as constructed on the old field of shipyard inside the castle. The structure was used as a prison building after 1887. The structure is surrounded by high ramparts. This characteristics made the structure inescapable for the prisoners. The castle was transferred to the private sector by the Ministry of Culture and the studies are still in progress.
Alaaddin Mosque The mosque was constructed only after the conquest of Sinop Province. The structure is a building of the Seljukian period. It is located at the southern part of a large courtyard. The building was constructed on a rectangular plan and has five domes. The courtyard contains a şadırvan (water tank with a fountain) and the mausoleums of the İsfendiyaroğulları nation.
The other major mosques of the Sinop province are the Kefevi Mosque, Saray Mosque, Mehmet Ağa Mosque, Cezayirli Ali Paşa Mosque, Meydankapı Mosque and the İskele Mosque.
Saint Seyyit Bilal Mausoleum The structure was constructed in the Seljukian period. The mausoleum was constructed on the place where Saint Seyyit Bilal, who was the ancestor of Saint Hüseyin and was one of the commanders of the Arabian Armies was martyred. Among the other major mausoleums of the Sinop Province are the Gazi Çelebi Mausoleum, Sultan Hatun Mausoleum (Aynalı Kadın Mausoleum), Hatunlar Mausoleum, Yeşil Türbe Mausoleum, İsfendiyar Oğulları Mausoleum and Çeçe Sultan Mausoleum.
BalatlarChurch The structure was assumed to be used as a theatre or a bath during the Roman age. This structure was started to be used as a church building in 7th century by Byzantines. Some sections of the interior frescos are still intact . The building is located in a field owned by a private property.
Sinop - Sarikum Nature Reserve
Location: The area is in Abali village, near Merkez in the province Sinop, in the western Black Sea region.
Transportation: The area can be accessed off the Sinop-Istanbul state highway, 17km west of Sinop.
Highlights: The 78 hectares of the area are situated in a combination of sea, sand, lake and forest. There are many species of water birds and birds of prey, and animals like roe deer, lynx, bustard and swan. There is a dense presence of the wild colt plant, and species of trees also include beech, horn-beam and oak, a rare combination, plus a pure ash forest.
Sinop - Kızılcaelmalı Oak
Place: Sinop
Characteristics: A 250 years old and 20 meters tall oak tree that have a diameter of 1.20 meters and circumference length of 3.7 meters.
Foundation Date: 29.09.1994
Plateaus of the Sinop Province
Guzfındık - Bozarmut Highlands
Transportation: It is a 35 km drive down a dirt road to the highland, located southwest of the town of Gerze - Çalboğazı. With a car it takes about 45 minutes to get there from the beach at Gerze.
Description: The elevation here is 1350 m. and there is no infrastructure here.
Accommodation - Food and Drink: There are no facilities here. Those who plan on camping should bring their own tents and other basic supplies
Türkeli Kurugöl Highland
Transportation: Türkeli is 12 km northwest of the town. There is a dirt road for 10 km but the last 2 km are nothing but a small path.
Description: This highland with an elevation of 800 m. looks out over the Black Sea and the view is gorgeous. Except for water and electricity, there are no other infrastructure improvements.
Accommodation - Food and Drink: Those who plan on camping should bring their own tents and other basic supplies
Ayancık - Akgöl Highland
Transportation: Turn right after going 44 km on the Ayancık-Boyabat road and you will reach the village after following this dirt road another 4 km.
Description: The pristine Akgöl Highland, with incredibly diverse flora in this forest of crooked trees is often chosen for botanical research. The small artificial lake formed by putting a dam across Yemişli Creek is currently used for raising red-spotted trout.
Accommodation - Food and Drink: Those who plan on camping should bring their own tents and other basic supplies
İnaltı Cave
Location: Sinop, Ayancık District
The cave is located in the vicinity of İnaltı Village which is approximately 35 kilometers away from Ayancık District of Sinop. The transportation is via a soil but beautifully scenic road. The distance between İnaltı Village and the cave is nearly 400-450 meters and the steep is severe.
Properties: İnaltı Cave starts with a wide and high entrance end this property continues about 350 - 400 meters. The cave has 3 - 6 meters width ve5-25 meters height and expands as a big tunnel. There are travertine formations and various sized stalagmites at first 350-400 meters. The total length of the cave is 700 meters and the section after 400 meters is covered with water and mud.
Sarıkum Desert
City: Sinop
Provinces: Sinop Merkez
Surface Area: 785
Altitude: Sea level
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status due to huge numbers of water birds (max. 20.226), including dikkuyruk (max. 55).
Main Characteristics: light salty lake, forest
Beaches and the Promenade places
Hamsilos Bay The Hamsilos Bay is located 11 km away from the city center and is a beautiful beach surrounded by evergreen forests and multicolored flowers where the sea expands as a river to inland.
Sarıkum The area is a perfect and unique promenade area where sea, lake and forest meets. It is 21 km. away from the city center. Various hunting games inhabit the area. The region was declared as the natural protection site.
Akliman Locality It is located to the west of the city. The place is famous with its beach which is kilometers long and 15 - 20 meters wide. The Akliman promenade place which is arranged by the Forest Administration Directorate could respond to all sorts of desires and needs. Also there are various motels, camping sites and promenade places along the beach.
The Forest Camp The camp is located inside an area covered with pine trees located at the entrance section of the city facing the inner port. The social facilities of the Forest Administration Directorate are present at the camp. It is possible to camp and swim at the sea during the summer season.
Yuvam Camp The camp is located at the vicinity of the forest camp. The beach and the facilities belong to the Municipality of the Sinop province. The area is a beautiful promenade place. There are places for camping and pitching tent.
Karakum Locality The promenade place is located at the central port region of the city and is located 1.5 km. away from the city center. There are hotels, pensions, bungalow type houses and places for tents and camping owned by special administration.
Soğuksu It is located at the 47. Kilometer of the Sinop - Boyabat highway. The area is covered with fir trees. The mineral waters located in the forest are known as curative for various diseases.
Bektaşağa Village and Small Lake The lake is located 20 km. distant from the Sinop - Erfelek road. The traditional festivals and hunting in forest and fishing at the lake are famous.
Camping & Caravan Facilities There are camping and caravan facilities founded at the city center. These could be counted as the Gazi Camp, Karakum Camp, Yuvam Camp and the Martı Camping and Demirkollar Camp.
GaziForest Camp
Location: Sinop
Facilities: Bathrooms, food stand, water, electricity, toilets and showers.
Open: June 1st to September 1st.
Tel: (0368) 260 2387
Fax: (0368) 260 3563
Hunting The area surrounding the province of Sinop and its districts contain numbers of wild boar. These boars are hunted by the local hunters. As the infrastructure for hunting wild boar is completed, this hunting activity would be carried to the foreign markets.
Sailing The arrangements of national and international sailing contests are executed at the province of Sinop.
The climate in Sinop province is cool in summer seasons while mild in winter seasons. The effect of the Black Sea Region decreases in the southern and central regions and the temperature and the precipitation decreases. As the province receives high precipitation because of the characteristics of the Black Sea Region, it is covered with rich forest tissue and natural beauties.
The region of Sinop was dominated by the Hittite, Frigian, Lydian, Persian, Alexander the Great, Selevkes, Roman, Byzantine, Seljukian, Candaroğlu and Ottoman civilizations.
 Where to Eat
The local food varieties are; Nohul (with grapes - walnut - mince meat - yogurt), Katlama Pilaki (food of Hıdırellez), Corn Pastry, Kaşık Çıkartması (mamalika), Keşkek Meal, Hamsi Dolması, Ayva and Kestane Meal, Kulak Hamuru (içi etli mantı), Islama, Corn Soup, Mısır Tarhanası, Sirkeli Patlıcan and Sirkeli Pırasa.
 What to Buy
The region is rich in hand crafted creations. The linen textile is executed in Ayancık district. The cloth of Mahrama and Durağan is weaved in Durağan district.
One variety of the hand crafts is the ship modeling which is called as the cuttership. The blade production of the Özekes family continued since four generations hold a special place.
 Don't Leave Without
- Visiting Akliman locality, Hamsilos bay, Sarıkum lake (Natural protection area), Ayancık Akgöl, Erfelek Mineral water waterfall,
- Visiting the Sinop Museum
- Tasting Mantı, Nokul (with mince meat and grape), Islama (with chicken),
- Buying worldwide famous souvenir cutter and fishing boat models, touristic steel blades and linen textile.
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Sinop
Archaeological Sites: 58
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: 5
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 1
Total: 65 Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural
Heritages: 345
 TOTAL: 410
 Contact Information
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (368) 261 30 23
Fax: (368) 261 48 68
Cultural Centers
Hall with 100 seating capacity for theater, conferences, etc.
125 m² Exhibition Hall 2 Art Workshops
Contact Address: Yenimahalle Okulaltı Sok. No:12 - Sinop
Tel: (368) 261 30 23
Fax: (368) 261 48 68
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
İl Kültür Merkezi Binası Karantina Sok. No:12 SİNOP
Tel: (0 368) 261 67 62
Fax: 261 48 68
Sinop Museum Detailed Information Address: Okullar Cad. - Sinop
Tel: (368) 261 19 75
Governorship : (+90-368) 261 15 04
Municipality : (+90-368) 261 15 10
Hospital : (+90-368) 261 45 10 - 261 45 11
Police : (+90-368) 261 17 70
Gendarme : (+90-368) 261 15 20
Provincial Directorate : (+90-368) 261 52 07
Tourism Information Office : (+90-368) 261 52 98
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