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Area: 9.579 km²
Population: 1.158.400 (1990)
Traffic Code: 55
Samsun placed at the Black Sea Region is one of the region cities has highest tourism potential with , natural historical and cultural riches, opportunity of maritime, airway, air and railway arrival. Samsun preserve its importance and property by time with being commence place of Turk Liberation War by arrival of Atatürk at the date of 19 May 1919 due to plan defense of Anatolia.
Districts: Counties of Samsun are; Alaçam, Asarcık, Ayvacık, Bafra, Çarşamba, Havza, Kavak, Ladik, Ondokuzmayıs, Salıpazarı, Tekkeköy, Terme, Vezirköprü and Yakakent.
 How to Get
Roadway: coach station is at city center.
Coach station Tel: (+90-362) 238 17 06
Railway: Samsun - Sivas and Samsun - Amasya railway connections are available. Train station is placed at the city center.
Train station Tel : (+90-362) 233 22 93
Maritime lines: ferry boat voyages to Samsun are arranged in June - Augustus months. Port is in the city center.
Port Tel : (+90-362) 445 16 05
Airway: Samsun airport is 19 km away from city center. It is possible to reach airport with service busses departure from in front of THY office in city center.
Airport Tel : (+90-362) 844 88 30 - 844 88 24 - 844 88 25
 Where to Visit
Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum: The construction of Archaeology - Ethnography Museum in the Fair area in Samsun began in 1976 and the museum was opened to visit on May 19th, 1981. The museum consists of a central hall and two other symmetrical halls. The mosaic being exhibited in the central hall was made in times of Alexander Severus (AC 222 - 235), the Rome Emperor and was restored in Byzantine Times at the end of AC 5th century. There are various mythological scenes on mosaic base made symmetrically. There is a scene in the middle related to the Troia war including Akhilleus and Thetis; there are some portraits reflecting the seasons on the panels located on each four corner of this scene; and Nereids and sea creatures are described in the rectangular panels among the seasons. Other than these figured scenes, there is a scene on a rectangular panel describing a sacrifice. The remaining parts of the above mentioned mosaic are ornamented with geometrical and plant motifs.
The Amisos treasury, which was found during digs carried out by the Museum Directorate in a grave of Amisos City, is also being exhibited in the central hall. The jewelry (crown, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, buttons, cloth ornaments, rings, etc.) which belong to a man, a woman and a female child are the most interesting works of the museum. These works that belong to the Hellenistic Period reflect the art and workmanship of those times.
The coins of Classical, Hellenistic, Rome, Byzantine, Seljuk, Ottoman and Republic periods are also being exhibited in this hall.
The works of Calcolithic, First Bronze Age, Hittite, Hellenistic and Rome periods found in Samsun and its environs are being exhibited chronologically in the hall located at right side of the central hall. The bronze, bone, stone and cooked soil works of Calcolithic, First Bronze and Hittite ages, which are found in archaeological digs carried out by İstanbul University in İkiztepe tumulus of İkiztepe Village in Bafra, carry a specific importance. Bronze lance tip embossed at both sides is one of the samples that show high levels of İkiztepe people in metal art. The skulls, which had operations that belong to the First Bronze Age and found in İkiztepe, constitute an interesting part of the museum. The naked athlete statue (AC 1st century copy of the original specific to BC 5th century) being exhibited in this hall is one of the most popular works of the museum.
Among the works being exhibited in the other hall, there are ethnographic works transferred to the museum from Samsun, velvets, napkins, sleeved short jackets, money and clock bags, hand script Korans, ornaments, weapons, kitchen materials, carpets, matting, etc.
The works of Classical, Rome, Byzantine and Ottoman periods are being exhibited in the garden of the museum. The pithos, tombs, steles, milestones, various architectural works and embossments are the most popular works, which draw attention of the visitors.
AtatürkMuseum: The Atatürk museum, which was constructed as the 19th of May Gallery within the old fair ground, opened to visitors on 1 July 1968. The museum building which was constructed entirely with stones and coloured marbles, has a monumental and effective appearance. The steps and reliefs representing the War of Independence in front of the building gives it a motion. 114 works belonging to Atatürk are exhibited in the museum.
The works in the museum are exhibited in three sections. In the entry and exit section various books about Atatürk, the photographs taken during the arrival of Atatürk to Samsun are displayed in chronological order. A panel, made of locally produced tobacco leaves and presented to Atatürk as a gift by the Samsun people, is also exhibited in the museum. And in the glass showcases situated in the rear large rooms, various belongings of Atatürk that were brought in from the Ankara Anitkabir Museum, some wearing apparel such as hats, suits, gloves, etc. and weapons, canes, cutlery, etc. are displayed.
At the right side of the centre large room's exit, a special section is situated for the rest of state high officials during their visit and to put down their impressions of the museum in writing.
GaziMuseum: The Gazi museum is located on the Mecidiye Avenue at the Kale district in the centre of Samsun. The walls of this two-storey building were made of bricks. Lathwork was used in the inside. Atatürk stayed for 6 days in this building during his first arrival to Samsun on 19 May 1919. In that time this building was known as “Mintika Palace” (hotel). During the second arrival of the Great Leader (20-24 September 1924), the subject building was presented to him as a gift of the Samsun People. The Great Leader also stayed in this building during his third (16-18 September 1928) and his fourth (22-26 November 1930) visits to Samsun. After the transfer of the building to Ministry of Culture by the Samsun Municipality and than, after its restoration and rearranging for exhibition, it was opened to visitors on 8 November 1998.
Havza Atatürk House: The three-storey building is situated on the street. Between 25 May 1919 and 12 June 1919 Atatürk stayed and worked in this building which was known as Mesudiye Hotel. The room that Atatürk stayed is in the second floor. The building which functions as a museum was transferred to the Ministry of Culture by the directorate of the Private Administration.
İkiztepe Tumulus: The tumulus, which is located in İkiztepe Village 7 kilometres north - west of Bafa District of Samsun, has four hills. It covers nearly 375 x 175 meter area.
The digging activities in this tumulus began in 1974 by Professor Dr. U. Bahadır Alkım, and continue under the control of Professor Dr. Önder Bilgi, one of the lecturers of İstanbul University, since 1981.
The diggers went down up to the main soil at Hill I and Hill II. As a result of the researches, Bronze Age I and II, and Transition Age (Before Hittite) cultures were found in Hill I; in addition the existence of a necropolis dated First Bronze Age III was understood. First Bronze Age I and II and Calcolithic Age cultural ruins were found in Hill II. As a result of the diggings carried out in Hill III and IV, it is understood that first Bronze Age III culture was dominant in this region. There is a tumulus type, two-room mausoleum with dromos at last culture level of İkiztepe, in Hill I. It is understood from the golden coins found in dromos (corridor) of the stone-built mausoleum and printed on behalf of Thrace King Lysimakhos in İstanbul that this grave belonged to the Hellenistic Age.
The well-protected ceramic oven found in diggings carried out in 1989 is very interesting. Foundations or walls laid with stone or sun-dried brick could not be found in these diggings, and thus it is understood that the building are made of wood in İkiztepe. The works found in archaeological diggings in İkiztepe ruins are being exhibited in Samsun Museum.
TekkeköyCaves: It is located within the borders of Tekkeköy District, 14 kilometres east of Samsun. There are big and small pits and caves on rocks alongside the valley watered by Fındıkçay and Çınarlı streams.
During the digging activities and researches carried out in 1941, by a committee under the presidency of Professor Dr. Tahsin Özgüç, one of the lecturers in Ankara University, Language, History - Geography Faculty, many prehistoric caves, shelters and settling areas are found and some findings that belong to Paleolithic Age were obtained.
The people of Paleolithic Age living in these caves did not know metal, and made all their tools from stone, wood and bone. They earned their lives by means of hunting and collecting, and used various tools such as axes, lance tips, cutters, scrapers which they made by chipping stone.
Vessels, earrings, bracelets, knives, daggers, barbs and pins generally used as grave gift were found in the digging activities and researches carried out in Tekkeköy. These works have Central Anatolia characteristics in terms of their shapes and technical properties; and the bone tools have a better workmanship when compared to the ones in Central and Western Anatolia.
The rocky region located at the joint area of Çınarcık and Fındıcak valleys and seeing each two valleys is known as "Delikli Kaya". The stairs of the rocky region were examined in terms of technique and shape, and it is understood that Delikli Kaya is a Frig Castle. The findings of Tekkeköy are being exhibited in Samsun Archaeology Museum.
Bafra Asarkale and Rock Graves: It is located within Kızılırmak Valley, 30 kilometres south - west of Bafra District and close to Altınkaya Dam. Asarkale belongs to the Hellenistic Age and built for defense. It is thought that three graves made by chipping the main rock belong to the same period.
Ancient Cities
İkiztepe: it is 55 km far away to Samsun and placed 7 km north - east from Bafra. Continuous settlements settled at İkiztepe ruins till year of 1700 BC. It is determined to second degree archeological protection site.
Tekkeköy:  It is placed in the borders of Tekkeköy County. Documents brought to light remains from Paleolithic Age, Mesolithic Age, Bronze Age and Hittite culture. It is discovered that rock with holes found at region was used as Frig castle.
Büyük Mosque: it is placed at Kale quarter, near the Saathane Square. It is built by Hacı Ali from Batum at the year of 1884. Marble mihrab (niche of mosque indicating the direction of Mecca) and wooden minbar (podium of mosque for sermon) takes attention.
Yalı Mosque: it is at Buğday Pazarı quarter, on the Gümrük and İskele streets. It is built by Mehmet Sadık Bin Abdullah at the year of 1312. Tronoplu dome is put on an octagon hoop. It has little and square shaped minaret.
Kurşunlu Mosque: it is placed at Pazar quarter, on the 100th Yıl Avenue. At the 1340 year of Hegira, it is built by Molla Fahrettin. Mosque is square shaped and built with cut stones. Entrance to dome that put on octagon hoop is occupied by promontories.
Hacı Hatun Mosque: it is at Kale quarter near the Saathane quarter. It is built by İbrahim kızı Hatice Hatun at the year of 1694 for charity establishment. Mosque made from cut stone is square shaped and single domed.
Kale Mosque: it is at Kuyumcular bazaar. It is built for the name of an İlhanlı governor Emir Timurtaş Pasha at the year of 1314.
Tombs Tombs placed in Samsun are: Sheikh Seyyid Kudbettin Tomb, İsababa Tomb and Kılıçdede Tomb.
MatherDolarosaChurch: It is placed at Ulugazi Quarter. Building built at the year of 1846, until the year of 1885 it is used as Church. It is open to worship and visit.
Taşhan Inn: It is at Pazar Quarter, on the İskele street. It is built at near the end of 17th century. It is a sample of Ottoman civil architecture.
Bedesten: It is at Kale Quarter, on the Namık Kemal street. Entrance of Bedesten (bazaar) occupied by two arched gates. It is a building remains from early Ottoman Period.
Yakakent and ÇamLake: Yakakent is 84 km east of Samsun city centre and Çam Gölü place seven km west of Yakakent have unique natural beauty with natural beaches, clean sea, hills covered by pine trees. There are pensions and camping places in county centre and shores of Çam Lake.
AlaçamGeyikkoşanShore: it is shore site of Alaçam county that county placed at 78 km west of Samsun. There are natural beaches consist of large sands. Pensions take place at shore.
BafraShores: county that 51 km away from Samsun, shores has natural beaches covered by large sands.
Tekkeköy: Tekkeköy take place at east of Samsun. Çarşamba and Terme counties shores have natural beaches with large sands too. On that shore band there are summer resorts, beaches and restaurants present.
Havza Thermal Spring: Thermal spring center that take place in Havza county centre, is 1 km east of Amasya - Samsun highway. There are 5 public baths, tree of them historical others built at the year of 1986, at Kaplıcalar locality. Beside public baths there are private baths, hotels and pensions are present at Kaplıcalar locality. Thermal spring water has curative effect on; rheumatism diseases, gynaecological diseases, neural diseases, joint diseases, and calcify diseases. Havza Thermal Springs declared to Thermal tourism center by Tourism Ministry.
Ladık Thermal Resort
Location: Ladik Hamamayagi, or Hillaz thermal spring, is 60km west of Samsun, near the Samsun-Ankara highway. road.
Transportation: There is good public transport to both Samsun and Ankara, and Ladik is off the main highway.
Water temperature: 38°C
pH value: 7.2
Physical and chemical properties: Mildly radioactive composition of bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium.
Recommended Applications: Drinking and bathing
Helps to heal: Rheumatism, mental and muscular fatigue, calcium deposits and joint pain, nervous disorders and patients recovering from surgery.
Accommodation: A camping area can be used in the summer. There are small hotels in Merzifon and Amasya.
Location: The forest is in Cinarli, in the Carsamba district of Samsun in the Central Black Sea region, lying 8km east of Samsun.
Transport: The forest can be reached via the Samsun-Carsamba state highway.
Highlights: The forest ecosystem here is a rare one, and the most common species are ash, oak, walnut and silver birch. Because of the nourishment qualities of the area, there are also many species of animals inhabiting the forest, which include mole, turtle and grey heron. In order to protect and preserve the area, the 86 hectares were given official natural protection in 1987.
Kızılırmak Delta
City: Samsun
Provinces: Ondokuzmayıs, Bafra, Alaçam
Surface Area : 16110
Altitude: Sea level
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with tepeli pelikan (6 pairs), erguvani balıkçıl (500 pairs), kara leylek (50 pairs), kaşıkçı (75 pairs), boz ördek (200 pairs), Macar ördeği (75 pairs), pasbaş patka (150 pairs), turna (50 pairs), kocagöz (50 pairs) and bataklık kırlangıcı (100 pairs) populations. There are huge numbers of water birds (max. 91.708), including kaşıkgaga (max.4564), Macar ördeği (max.630), elmabaş patka (max. 14.952), kadife ördek (max. 97), dikkuyruk (max.73) and sakarmeke (max. 27.643) during winter. During immigration important numbers of karabatak (max. 88), küçük ak balıkçıl (max.3200), çeltikçi (max. 590), dikkuyruk (max.1246), küçük martı (max. 41.000) and ak kanatlı sumru (max. 3000) can be observed.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lakes, swamp
Matched category: A1, B2
Yeşilırmak Delta
City: Samsun
Provinces: Terme
Surface Area : 3000
Altitude: Sea level
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with alaca balıkçıl (30 pairs) as well as wintering Macar ördeği (max. 520) and kadife ördek (max. 870) populations.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lakes, dunes
Matched category:B1i, B1ii, B2
Suitubility of natural plant cover, location on being between Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak delta, possibility of living four seasons in same day, are most important properties of city. Atakum, Kocadağ promenade place, Orman Nursery, Kurupelit - İncesu, Çakırlar Grove and Hasköy can be mentioned for promenade countryside's of Samsun.
Tracking: First Ladik Akdağ and Ladik Plateaus, Dam lakes surroundings, Yakakent forest facilities, Tekkeköy Hacı Osman forest, Vezirköprü Kunduz forest and plateaus, Mount Kocadağ can be mentioned as tracking places.
Water Sports: Samsun has long shore band, two large riverand 4 dams on that rivers, and lots of natural lakes, and a big potential related to water sports.
Line Fishery: line fishery is possible at along the cities long shore, in 4 dam lakes built on Kızılırmak and Yeşilırmak rivers, Kızılırmak, Yeşilırmak and in delta lakes which formed at reaching to sea place of Terme rivulet, Ladik Lake and other lots of small lakes of city.
Air Sports: There is a club, which arranges sportive air activities at Samsun. In this club slope parachutist, motorised plane pilot, parachutist, glider pilot, sail wing pilot, motorised parachutist training's are given.
At Samsun coast regions typical Black Sea climate, at interior regions effects of terrestrial climate can be seen. Rain is less, warmth is high relatively to East Black Sea. At the coast site winters are tepid, springs are fogy and cool, summers are dry. Rains are generally water typed.
Samsun was a little settlement place, which built by one of the lon city - states, Miletosians (Millet) and named as Amisos between the years of 750 - 760 BC. After them Samsun dominated by Persians, Macedonians, Pontus, Romans, Byzantine's, Danişment's, Seljuklians and Ottomans.
Samsun take important place in Türkiye history with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's step on Anatolia at the date of 19 May 1919, due to commence national struggle.
 Where to Eat
Corn, cabbage and grained beans take many places in Samsun's cooking style. Meals with meat, rice and dough are common. Goose, chicken, duck and similar poultry takes important place in traditional nourishment. Roasting and soups made with local plants like Lorgon, Kırçan, Kaldırayak, Madımak, Nünük.
Tir (Kaz Yufkası), Yer Pancarı (Yazı Pancarı), Mısır (corn) Soup, Yoğurtlu (yogurt) soup, Mercimekli Bulgur pilavı (cracked wheat cooked with lentil), Keşkek, Karalahana (black cabbage) Soup, Hamsili (anchovy) Bread, Rice with anchovy (İli Pilav) and Kocakarı Gerdanı (Burma) can be mentioned as local originated meals of city.
 What to Buy
Panels, room furniture's, statues, wooden embroideries, local rugs, golden jewellery from jewellers are some of the items can be bought for gifting.
 Don't Leave Without
- Seeing Samsun Archaeology and Ethnography Museum,
- Seeing bronze statue, Honour Monument; symbolise Atatürk's arrival to Samsun at the date of 19 May 1919 due to commence Liberty War,
- Eating Samsun's pitta and fried pickle in restaurants at Kurupelit locality, tasting Bafra's creamy Turkish delight.
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Samsun
Archaeological Sites: 41
Urban Sites: 4
Natural Sites: 7
Historical Sites: 1
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 3
Total: 56
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 369
TOTAL: 424
 Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-362) 438 57 90
Municipality : (+90-362) 431 60 90
Hospital : (+90-362) 230 33 00
Police : (+90-362) 230 84 10
Gendarme : (+90-362) 437 54 98
Provincial Directorate : (+90-362) 431 29 88
Tourism Information Office: (+90-362) 431 12 28
Seaport : (+90-362) 445 16 05
Huzur Tesisleri
Altınkum / Samsun
Tel: (362) 457 59 75
Çamlık Camp
Altınkum / Samsun
Tel: (362) 457 50 39
Kanarya Camp
Altınkum / Samsun
Tel: (362) 457 58 57
Camping 87
Taflan / Samsun
Geyikkoşan Tesisleri
Alaçam / Samsun
Tel: (362) 621 53 27
19 Mayıs Camp Area
Ondokuzmayıs / Samsun
Tel: (362) 511 44 88
Sera Camping
Yakakent / Samsun
Tel: (362) 611 36 15
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (362) 432 11 58 - 431 00 14
Fax: (362) 435 65 48
Samsun State Classical Turkish Music Choir Directorate
Address: Özel İdare İşhanları Sitesi
Irmak Cad. 2 Blok - Samsun
Choir Tel: (0 362) 432 09 20
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Fuariçi SAMSUN
Tel: (0 362) 432 29 33
Fax: 432 11 58




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