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Traffic Code: 68
Aksaray is located at middle Anatolia region, it was an important trade centre on the ancient silk road, and nowadays it is still placed on intersection point of main roads lies between east to west and north to south. Historical background of city can be traced to 8000 BC. Years and there are cultural creations those related to various civilisations. Aksaray that sited as the beginning gate of Capadocia, offers various and interesting vacation facilities to its visitors with apart from cultural values and also natural riches.
Districts: Ağaçören, Güzelyurt, Gülağaç, Eskil, Ortaköy, Sarıyahşi.
 How to Get
Aksaray is placed on intersection point of road ways lies between east to west and north to south, and at the entrance place of Capadocia.
 Where to Visit
40 kilometre away from Aksaray. Valley can be reached by turning at the 11th kilometre point of Aksaray - Nevşehir roadway. Canyon constituted by breaks and collapses come out with getting cold of lavas that contains dense basalt and andesite substances and run over from Hasandağ mountain. On that split area an Melendiz brook find way to flow and give today's shape to canyon, that brook was named in early ages 'Potamus Kapadukus" which means river of Capadocia. Valley lies 14 kilometre long.starts from Ihlara, come to an end at Selime. Valley's hight reach to 100 - 150 meter at some places. Across the valley there are innumerable shelters, tombs and churches that all engraved in to rocks present. Some of the shelters and church's are related each other with tunnels that similar to underground cities.
AksarayMuseum: Museum is founded in the "Zinciriye Medresesi" an building remains from Karamanoğulları governmental period 14th century at the year of 1969, it is still continue its activities in the same building. Museum placed on Zincirli quarter, centre county of province Aksaray. At the museum Archaeological and ethnographic work of arts are exhibited.
Museum Tel: (+90-382) 213 16 67
Under Ground Cities: In spite of under ground cities are generally concentrated on Güzelyurt and Gülağaç counties, there can be seen some under ground cities at the whether Centre county or Ortaköy county. At the Güzelyurt county centre and at the Manastır (monastery) valley there are three revealed under ground cities present. At the Gülağaç county Saratlı under ground city is revealed and lighted.
Antic Nora Viranşehir (HelvadereTown): Nora town was builded on a slope of Hasandağ mountain, placed 30 kilometres south of Aksaray. It was an important military base because of strategically position. Town preserve its importance at the Rome and Byzantine period too, so there are lots of churches are present now. Out standing buildings are remained from Byzantine period. Those churches can be partly damaged but also some of various frescos are still take attention on them.
Acemhöyük (Persian mound) Antic Settlement: Acemhöyük is at the Yeşilova 18 kilometer north - west from Aksaray. In the mound an great palace and its depot remaining from Asur Trade Colonies Period, brought to light with the systematically excavation process until year of 1948. Moreover; aquiline mouthed jugs, signets and ceramics founded.
Aşıklı Tumulus: Aşıklı Höyük is placed at the Kızılkaya village, nearly 1 kilometre south of village on the shore of Melendiz brook, and 25 kilometres south - east from Aksaray.
Aşıklı is in side of an place spread by volcanic tufa at the Capadocia of Aksaray, first settlements began at 8 thousand BC. Aşıklı Tumulus, is one of the most important ruin places founded at Anatolia and nearly east that exhibits oldest 'first village settlements' remains from Aceramic Neolithic Period.
Ulu Mosque, Eğri Minaret (Red Minaret), Tapduk Emre Tomb (Tapduk Emre Village), Sheikh Hamid-i Veli (Somuncu Baba) Tomb (at city Centre), Kılıçarslan Tomb (at city Centre): Sheikh Cemaleddin-i Aksarayi İtifakhanesi, Suffering place and small mosque are most important mosques and tombs of Aksaray.
Ulu Mosque (Karamanoğlu Mosque, Center): It is written on the inscription of the mosque on an accumulated hill that it was constructed to Architecture Mehmet Firuz Bey by Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey between 1408 and 1409. Most important characteristic of the mosque which is a typical piece of Karamanoğlu art is its minbar(pulpit beside the mihrab reached by a long, straight flight of steps), which is constructed from ebony, as one of the master piece of art of wood of Seljuk period.
Eğri Minaret (Red Minaret, Center): It belongs to Seljuk period, and thought to be constructed between 1221 and 1236. It is also known as Red Minaret as it is made up of red bricks.
TaptukEmreVillage and Monument (TaptukEmreVillage): 20 kilometers north of the province of Aksaray, the village was founded on the skirts of small Ekecik Mount, and mentioned that it was belongeds to Taptuk Emre. There are mosque and monument, at the most upper part of the skirts of the mountain. A sarcophagus was placed on the grave of the Taptuk Emre without damaging it
Yunus Emre Mausoleum (Ortaköy - ReşadiyeVillage): It is within Reşadiye village 20 kilometers from the province center of Ortaköy, Aksaray. The hill on which mausoleum is present, is also known as hill of visit (ziyaret tepesi) by people.
Kaya Mosque (Güzelyurt): It is at the Güzelyurt province center. It is thought to be remained from XIVth century.
Selime Sultan Mausoleum (SelimeVillage): Mausoleum within Selime village reflects the early period characteristics in connection with both architecture and decoration. Rocks and bricks were embellished on within the other. It is dating back to the beginning of XIIIth century according to its architectural style and materials.
Church Mosque (Saint Gregorius Church) (Güzelyurt): It is in Güzelyurt province center reflecting the pieces of art of Chirstianity period , and has a great importance for Orthodox society. It is constructed in 385 A. D. inspired from the shape of the close cross. The church which is modified with various additions and repairs, then turned into a mosque with converting its bell tower into a minaret.
Saint Anargiros Church (Güzelyurt): It is at the Güzelyurt province center. Closed cross planned church, was constructed with fully engraving into rock including its domes and columns. Church was finally repaired in 1884. It is understood from the date 1887 on its dome that it was constructed three years after repair of the frescos. There are people who coming for pilgrimage from Vatican city today.
On November,1 which is the religious day of Saint Anargiros, patients are praying till to morning with organizing a great ceremony in the church.
Saint Georges Church (KırkdamaltıChurch, Belisırma): It is the highest church in the region, and thought to be constructed between 1283 and 1295. An inscription encircle all over the church. All subjects narrated in the Holy Bible and a picture of Seljuk Sultan, II Mesud are depicted on the fresco of the church.
Selime Cathedral (Selime): There are two lined columns within the cathedral, which is on a high place engraved into rocks. These columns are separating cathedral into three landing stairs.
CastleMonasteryChurch (Selime): It is one of the biggest religious organizations in Cappadocia. Monastery is dating between VIIIth and XIVth century or Xth century, and figured frescos within the church are dating between the end of Xth and beginning of XIth century. There are illustrations such as the depiction of Jesus Christ rising to the sky, Herald and Virgin Mary.
YüksekChurch (Center): Church, which is also known as monastery , is a stone masonry on steep rocks. It is about three kilometers away from city center.
KızılChurch (Sivrihisar): It took the name Kızıl Church as it is made up of red cut stone. Church is dated back to Vth- VIth century.
SivişliChurch (Güzelyurt): This is a rock engraved church within the borough. Portraits of Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary in the middle and Apostles on the sides of the dome are present.
Antique Nora Viranşehir (Helvandere Borough): This small town 30 kilometers south of Aksaray, at the skirts of Mount Hasan, had been settled since Roman and Byzantium period. There are lots of churches within the town, which preserve their importance during Roman and Byzantium periods, today. Structures that have erected still belong to Byzantium period. Although these churches are partially demolished, various frescos are still draw attention.
AğaçaltıChurch (Daniel, Pantanossa, Ihlara): It is within Ihlara Valley, at the south side of entrance stairs of the valley. On the frescos, there are illustrations of Revelation, Visit and Birth, Escape to Egypt, baptism of Jesus Christ and death of Virgin Mary. And scene of ascend to sky is present on the dome.
PürenliSekiChurch (Ihlara): It is composed of four parts engraved on rock. There are graves on Narteks ground. Frescos are dated between the beginning of Xth century and XIIth century. Its pictures illustrate various scenes from Holy Bible and childhood of Jesus Christ such as Prophecy of the Prophets, Virgin Mary and Bishops, Herald, Visit and Worship of the Shepherds.
KokarChurch (Ihlara): Subject matters on the frescos dated to the end of IXth century or second half of XIth century are very rich. The descriptions as to the Last Supper, Crucifixion, Burial of the Messiah, Ascending to Sky, Duties of the Apostles sometimes reflect an integrity subject matter,which is very interesting. Adornments within two grave chambers of the church are the first samples made with red paint.
EğritaşChurch (Ihlara): It is mentioned within an inscription on the east wall that the Church, understood as one of the oldest structures of the valley and a huge temple was devoted to Virgin Mary. Though damaged, the frescos on which the descriptions of Jesus Christ sitting between two angels, Virgin Mary between two angels and six bishops, dream of the Prophet Joseph, Escape to Egypt, Baptism, Entrance to Jerusalem still draws attention with its very colorful and live drawing.
SümbüllüChurch (Ihlara): Monastery places are engraved into rock mass as two layers. There are pictures of Virgin Mary between Archangel Michael and Gabriel, Jesus Christ and three Hebrew juveniles in the oven as well as saints.
YılanlıChurch (Ihlara): Narrow cross branches at north and south is surrounding the central place adorned with an embroidered cross on its ceiling. There are pictures such as Crucified Jesus Christ, Entrance to Jerusalem, Burial of the Egyptian Virgin Mary, Visit.
BahattinSamanlığıChurch (Belisırma): It is a church with a single corridor. One alcove like dome engraved on north - and west - side walls, and three alcoves like domes engraved on south wall form the ceiling with the shape of a cradle.
DirekliChurch (Belisırma): One can reach the monuments of the priests and residants of the staff of the church through the door within the church. There are pictures as two lines on the columns over church. Inscriptions can be seen at both sides of Saints and Apostles. It is a monastery church dating back to XIth and XIIIth centuries.
AlaChurch (Belisırma): It is a church engraved on rocks at the east side of the valley and north of the village. It was constructed after Christianity had been set free. There are pictures of Saints and Apostles on the upper part of its front side. There are pictures of Birth, Anastasis, Entrance to Jerusalem, Egypt, Sanctification of Virgin Mary.
KaragedikChurch (Belisırma): It is established on a hill covered with grass leaning against a steep rock. It is a huge church constructed in XIth Byzantium style, and it reminds the Çanlı( With Bell) Church.
Alayhanı Inn: is in the border of Alayhan village on the Aksaray - Nevşehir highway. Inn's front side and courtyard are collapsed. Estimated that Inn builded by far border governmental ruler Pervane Bey at the period of 2nd Kılıçarslan.
Öresin Inn: is an inn remains from Selcuklu's at the 22nd kilometres of Aksaray - Nevşehir highway. Centre dome and gate of inn are collapsed. Windows are crenel type shaped. It has sections those each one has six arches.
Sultan Inn: is builded by Alaaddin Keykubat between the 1228 - 1229 years. Inn is a masterpiece art of Selcuklu's Period by the perspective of architecture, stone masonry and decoration arts. It was builded purposes for to make, Konya - Aksaray roadway safe that way was important for military and trade purposes. Inn has classical formation of Selcuklu Inn organisation with summer, winter, barn sections and with a small mosque.
Ağzıkara Inn: is placed at 15th kilometre of Aksaray - Nevşehir highway, Ottoman source document's mention inn as Hoca Mesud Inn. Building process started at 1231 AC. in the Alaaddin Keykubat period, it is finished at 1239 AC. In period of Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev. It is fully organised with public bath, charitable establishment, summer and winter sections. Main gate of Inn contains every property of Selcuklu stone decoration art.
At Aksaray sentences contains thermal tourism automatically remains Ziga Hot Springs. Ziga is 35 kilometer away from Aksaray on the Ihlara roadway. Waters are usefull first of all for rheumatism illnesses than for metabolism disorders, digest system illnesses, skin diseases, eye illnesses and gynaecological diseases, and more over for neuralgia, nervate and broken - prominent type diseases.
Mountain - Nature Tracking: Hasandağı Mountain is capable for mountaineering and winter sports. Presently Mount Hasandağ be in demanded by home and foreign mountain climber. At the mountain with the establishment of Klimatizm, that forest interior resting place, nomadism, mountain bike sports, mounted tour excursion and nature tracking are possible.
Fishery with Fishing Line: Mirrored carp and fresh water bass species are breed at Mamasun, Hirfanlı and Kültepe dam lakes. Moreover again crap, bass, trout and yayın fish breed at the out numbered present ponds. There are lots of coral fishes at Uluırmak river which river spring from Melendiz Mountains and flows to Tuz Gölü (Salt Lake). fresh water kerevites that breed at Mamasun Dam Lake are exported to foreign countries.
Aksaray province is belong to Interior Anatolian Region's climate; terrestrial climate type so summers passes with hot and dry, winters passes withcold and snowy days.
Aksaray province is placed in the Capadocia region, inhabiting of human starts from 8th thousand BC. Aşıklı Tumulus is one of the first village settlement place in Anatolia remains from Aceramic Neolithic Age. According to historical process Aksaray province was breed place for various civilisations. Acemhöyük placed near the city centre was one of the most important trade centres in the period of Asur Trade Colonies between the BC. 3000 - 2000 years. Afterwards on the province Hittite, Rome, Byzantine, Selcuklu and Ottoman Periods are experienced.
Christianity began to spread towards Anatolia with Disciple Saint Paul and his students at first century AC. This process take huge against reaction from çok tanrılı Rome Empire, so than first Christians are settled this region for.
 Where to Eat
Aksaray coking tradition consist density of flour, meat, milk products and vegetable. Sıkma (tighten), çörek (bun), mayalı (fermented), erişte (kind of macaroni), kuskus pilavı(kind of rice), dolma mantı, katıklı aş, soğanlama (with in onion), tarhana çorbası (kind of soup), hoşmerim, bamya çorbası (okra soup), yoğurt çorbası (yogurt soup), arabaşı , sarığı burma (katmer), pelte, kayganayı are some of the famous meals and cookies of provinces. at the Helvadere town is famous with its delicious trouts.
 What to Buy
At the province Taşpınar's rugs are famous.
 Don't Leave Without
- Visiting Ihlara Valley and Güzelyurt, seeing Eğri Minaret,
- Tasting tourt at Helvadere - tasting Saç tava at Ihlara Valley,
- Buying Taşpınar rugs,
- Watching festivals of Ihlara and Eski (old) and Yeni (new) Gelveri Festivals at 15 - 30 August arranged in Güzelyurt (these festivals assigned for visit of Greeks to region whom used to live at same locality.).
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Aksaray
Archaeological Sites: 92
Urban Sites: 2
Natural Sites: 8
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 3
Urban and Archaeological Sites: 2
Historical and Urban Sites: 1
Total: 108
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 446
TOTAL: 554
 Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-382)213 50 20
Municipality : (+90-382) 213 54 92
Hospital : (+90-382) 212 91 00
Police : (+90-382) 215 07 15
Gendarme : (+90-382) 215 22 02
Provincial Directorate : (+90-382)212 46 88
Ağaçlı Camping
Tel: (382) 215 24 00
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (382) 213 08 82
Fax: (382) 213 09 42
Aksaray Museum
Address: Zinciriye Mah. Aksaray
Tel: (382) 213 16 67
Fax: (382) 213 09 42


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