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Area: 3.626 km²
Population: 936.163 (1990)
Traffic Code: 41
Kocaeli is the city that takes place on the highway and railroad connecting Istanbul to Anatolia. The name of the city was Nicomedeia in the times of Roman Empire. Today it is a very industrial center for Turkey.
The Saatçi Ali Efendi Mansion in the city, which is a very interesting example of 18th century Ottoman Civil Architecture, had been restorated and now being used as Ethnography Museum.
"Pişmaniye" which is the local dessert of kocaeli is made by giving the sugar the shape of fibre.
Hereke, which is a district at the east side of Kocaeli is a very important carpet production center. The carpets of Hereke are very famous all around the world for their beauty and high quality. These carpets are the most expensive carpets of the Istanbul Carpet Markets.
Kerpe, Kefken and Kovanağzı, at the north of Kocaeli near Black Sea, are places that ecstatic places with their sores and small and comfortable hotels.
Districts : İzmit, Derince, Gebze, Gölcük, Karamürsel, Kandıra and Körfez.
 How to Get
Highway The most dense highway network of Turkey is the route between İstanbul - Adapazarı - Kocaeli. It is possible to reach to the Inter - City Bus Station by public busses and dolmush.
Bus Station Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 642 01 55
Marilines There are ferry lines between Karamürsel and Hereke, and between Gebze - Eskihisar and Yalova - Topçular.
Eskihisar Ferry Boat Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 655 60 31/ 655 58 53
Harbour Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 656 34 00
Railway Kocaeli takes place on the railway network that connects Istanbul to Anatolia.
Railway Station Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 321 10 39
Airport The nearest airport to Kocaeli is Istanbul Atatürk Airport.
 Where to Visit
Gültepe Necropolis Area It is in the Gültepe District of İzmit. Here, there is the antic period Necropolis and the remains of the holy building of Byzantine period. The archeological goods found during the carvings here, that belong to the Roman period, are exhibited in museums.
Orhan Mosque The Orhan Mosque is in the Orhan District, on a hill that is overlooking the city. The mosque had been founded by Süleyman Pasha in the times of Orhan Gazi in 13th century. The mosque had been restored by Ottoman Emperor Abdülmecit.
Fevziye Mosque The mosque takes place in the Hürriyet Street of Kemalpaşa District. It had been founded by Mehmet Bey in 16th century. The mosque had collapsed in the earthquake in 1884, and reconstructed.
Pertevpaşa Theological School The Pertevpaşa Theological School is one of the most important architectural buildings of İzmit. The School is at the both sides of Yeni Cuma Street. The School had been made by Architecture Sinan in the 16th century. The school consists of a mosque, Caravan Palace and Aşevi (Soup Kitchen)
Çoban Mustafa Paşa Theological School It had been founded by Mustafa Pasha, who was a vizier of Yavuz Sultan Selim and Süleyman the Magnificent, in Gebze. It had been built by Architecture Sinan and Architecture Acem Ali in the 16th century as a theological school for the "Menzir Dervishes". The complex consists of a mosque, inn, pasha residences, charitable establishment, school, library, bath, and tombs. It is an example for the theological school complexes, which the additions had been constructed after the construction of the main building has finished.
İzmitPalace(Abdülaziz Hunting Mansion) The building is on the railway route, near the watch tower.
It had been founded by the Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz as a hunting mansion. During the Independence War of the Turks, Atatürk had entertained the French journalist and writer Claude Ferare. Since from the date of 28.06.1967 it is being used as a museum. It has two floors. the building is in the Baraque Style. The sides of it had been surrounded with marble columns. It is like a small example of Solmabahçe Palace with its marble ceiling, and columns. It is the only palace that still exists outside Istanbul. It had been restorated by the Governorship of Kocaeli and today it had been damaged during the earthquake in 1999.
KaiserWilhelmMansion The mansion is within the borders of Hereke Carpet Factory. It is known that it had been assembled here, after being prepared in Yıldız Palace in three days, as the residence of German Emperor Wilhelm Keiser during his visit in Turkey, in 1884.
Pembe Mansion It had been constructed at the beginning of the 20th century. It has three floors, and guillotine windows. It had been restored by the Governorship of Kocaeli. The wooden works of the mansion had been arranged according to its original. Today it can be used by the public. It has a cafeteria, and a coiffeur.
DemircilerMansion The mansion is in the Demirciler Village of Gebze. It is a very interesting example of 19th century Ottoman architecture.
SırrıpaşaMansion The mansion is on the Yeni Çeşme Street of Hacı Hasan District. It had been founded by Sırrı Pasha in the 19th century. In the garden of the mansion, there are antic sculptures. It is a very important historical treasure with its garden beautification and the archeological pieces of art on its walls.
İzmit Train Station The management building and the warewarehouse of the Station Gar had been constructed by the Germans in the neo - classical style, between the years of 1908-1920. Italian stone craftsman had worked during the construction.
Eskihisar Castle It had been constructed during the Byzantine times near the sea side, at a steep hill at the northeast of Eskihisar Village. It had been constructed in order to protect the harbour.
WatchTower The watch tower takes place between the Hunting Lodge and Atatürk Sculpture in Kemalpaşa District of İzmit. ıt had been founded by Musa Kazım Bey, as a gift for Abdulhamit the 2nd.
Mimar (Architecture) Sinan Bridge ıt is at the east of Gebze on the Dil stream. It had been constructed in the 16th century, by Architecture Sinan. This stone bridge is 65 meters long and it has three belts. There are evacuation holes in the middle of the columns of it.
Kuzuyayla when you reach to Kuzu Yayla, by taking the road full of pine, beech, and lime trees, and colorful flowers, you can observe how the fresh air, panoramic sightseeing, and wild nature are blended. It is a mountain that has a sea view. Kelpeze region here is an other beautiful place which the visitors can make use of both in summer and in winter.
Kerpe It is a cute Black Sea Village which is 10 km away from Kandıra, and 50 km away from izmit. The beauty of the landscape is unbelievable with its blue sea and the pine trees in the mountains. Kerpe is a place which is not effected by the great waves of Black Sea. The sea is very shallow here, and the shores are so beautiful.
Kefken Kefken is 20 km away from kandıra. It is very suitable for shore residence. Similar to Kerpe it has a wonderful beach and pine forests. ıt is a very popular place for the scuba - divers and for the underwater hunters.
Cebeci Cebeci, which is 27 km away from Kandıra; Sarısu, which is 8 km away from Kandıra Bayramoğlu and Eskihisar which is 6 km away from Gebze are the other beaches of the city.
Süleyman Pasha Thermal Bath It takes place in the Yukarı Pazar district of İzmit. It had been constructed in the 14th century. It is the oldest Ottoman building in the region.
Yazlık Thermal Spring, which is 15 km away from Gölcük, Maşukiye Spring in Maşukiye and , and Soğuksu Spring in Bahçecik are very popular places of the area.
Beşkayalar Natural Park
Kocaeli - Beskayalar Natural Park
Location: The Beskayalar Natural Park is in the district of Golcuk, 26km south of Kocaeli (Izmit), and covers an area of 1154 hectares.
Transportation: The park can be reached by road from Kocaeli. There are very regular buses from Istanbul to Kocaeli.
Highlights: The area of Beskaralar is of great scientific and educational importance because of the species of plants in the valleys. The 2500 hectares of forest surrounding the Sicakdere and Kirazdere rivers provide great trekking routes, and also has good sightseeing. The name Beskaralar, meaning Five Rocks, comes from the high rocks at the point where the rivers join.
In the area, the vast selection of plant species includes black pine, badger tree, fir, beech, oak, hornbeam, silver birch, elm, lime, chestnut, ash, poplar, hellebore, plane, hazelnut, alder, cherry, black fruit, elder, forest rose, wild apple, wild plum, wild cherry, forest ivy, smilax, blackberry, belladonna, spurge olive, arnica, great mullein, mint, yarrow, violet, fibre herb, nettle, gallium and wild strawberry. Wolves, bears, jackals, foxes, pigs, rabbits and squirrels inhabit the area.
Because of its location in between Istanbul, Ankara and Kocaeli, it is easily accessible and is a popular weekend getaway out of the city.
Ballıkayalar Natural Park
Kocaeli - Balikayalar Natural Park
Location: The Ballikayalar Natural Park is near the village of Tavsanli, in the Gebze district of Kocaeli.
Highlights: The Ballikayalar Valley is a narrow and deep pass, between 40m and 1.5 km, and there are many small waterfalls, lakes and deep cracks in the hill slopes. The bird population consists of sparrow hawk, white crow, Egyptian vulture, dove, hoopoe, skylark, and nightingale, and animals inhabiting the area include jackal, fox, pig, and mole.
Darıca - Bayramoğlu Bird Heaven Darıca Bird Heaven and Temalı Park, which are 38 km away from Istanbul, are unique places for the residence of a variety of bird species. In the zoo at the area, there exists 350 animal species, and more thab 250 plant species. With the aquarium, botanic gardens, playgrounds, cable railways, and restaurants it provides a recreation potentiality.
Sapanca Gölü
City: Sakarya, Kocaeli
Provinces: Sapanca, Adapazarı, İzmit
Surface Area : 4700
Altitude: 31 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: Sukuşu (max.48.267), Macar ördeği (max.1002), elmabaş patka (max. 10.400) and sakarmeke (max. 30.700) can be shown as samples.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake
Matched category: A4i, A4iii, B1i
SaatçiAliEfendiMansion ( Ethnography Museum ) The building had been constructed in 1774 on a sloppy hill. It s an unique example of civil architecture of the ottoman Empire with its beautification. The mansion is being used as ethnography museum since from 1987.
Museum Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 324 25 38 Open hours to visit : 08.30-16.30 Open days to visit : Everyday except Mondays.
Eskihisar Osman Hamdi Bey : It had been constructed as a complex consisting of the mansion, painting hall, and boathouse by Turkish Painter and art collector Osman Hamdi Bey (1842-1910) at 1884, at Gebze Eskihisar. The flower paintings on the doors, which he had drawn between 1901 - 1903, of the mansion have the value of painting. The painter had drawn his most famous paintings here, during the 26 years he lived here. The mansion had been restorated in 1984. It is being used as a museum since from the date of 19.08.1987, in which the paintings, photographs, and reproductions of Osman Hamdi Bey. Museum Tel : ( + 90 - 262 ) 655 63 48 Open hours to visit: 08.30-16.30 Open days to visit : Everyday except Mondays.
Floating Museum (Gayret Boat) The Gayret Boat had been made by the Americans in 1946, and given the name of USA Everson. The boat had been used in the wars of Core and Vietnam. It had been given to the Turkish Navy in 10 May 197, and given the name of Gayret Boat.
The boat had been used in National and NATO Maneuvers. In 1995 it had been anchored to Poyraz Harbour, and arranged as a museum in 1997.
The museum boat had been brought to where it is today, to the İzmit Railway Station in 13 August 1997.
Open hours to visit : 08.30-16.30 Open days to visit: Everyday except Mondays
Un the area, tghe climate is a blend of Black Sea and Mediterranean Climates. In the summer time it is hot and little rainy, and in winter it is quite rainy. The weather is quite warm in the winter time.
The antic remains here are depending on till to the BC 12th century. Phrygians had controlled the region at those times. The city had been founded by Phrygian King Nicomedes the 1st at BC 262. Till today it had been governed by Romans, Byzantine, Seljuks, and Ottomans.
 What to Buy
Hereke Silk Carpet, (Hereke - Körfez), pişmaniye and saray helvah and Karamürsel baskets are the things that can be purchased from the city.
 Don't Leave Without
- Visiting the Ethnography Museum (İzmit), Gayret Boat Museum (İzmit), Osman Hamdi Bey House and Museum ve Müzesi (Eskihisar - Gebze)
- Visiting the Bird Heaven and the Thermal Park (Darıca -Bayramoğlu - Gebze )
- Eating trout in Maşrukiye, yogurt in Kandıra and tasting the pişmaniye and saray helvah.
- Purchasing Hereke Silk Carpet, and Karamürsel basket
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Kocaeli
Archaeological Sites: 19
Urban Sites: 5
Natural Sites: 15
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Urban and Natural Sites: 1
Archaeological and Urban Sites: 1
Total: 41
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural
Heritages: 909
TOTAL: 950
 Contact Information
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (262) 322 44 04 - 322 11 50
Fax: (262) 325 53 54
Cultural Center
A hall vith 572 seating capacity for theater, conferences, etc. 200 m² Exhibition Hall 350 m² Library 2 Art Workshops
Contact Address: Sabancı Kültür Sitesi E5 Karayolu Üstü Vilayet Karşısı - Kocaeli
Tel: (262) 322 28 26
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Eski Vali Konağı KOCAELİ
Tel: (0 262) 321 19 60
Fax::(0 262) 324 54 64
Kocaeli (İzmit) Museum Address: Tepecik Mah. Saray Yokuşu Saat Kulesi Yanı Kocaeli
Tel: (262) 321 22 74
Ethnography Museum Address: Veli Ahmet Mah. Kocaeli
Tel: (262) 224 25 38
Provincial Directorate : (+90-262) 321 56 63 - 321 23 48
Governorship : (+90-262) 332 19 35 - 332 19 36
Municipality : (+90-262) 321 31 40
Hospital : (+90-262) 321 10 30
Police : (+90-262) 229 66 66
Gendarme : (+90-262) 335 21 35


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