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Dil Seç  

Area: 3.153 km²
Population: 498.225 (1990)

Traffic Code: 23
Elazığ is located in Eastern Anatolian Region and is worth visiting with its historical and natural riches like historical Harput castle, Hazar lake, Karakaya and Keban dam lakes, ski centers and Buzluk cave.
Districts : Ağın, Akçakaya, Arıcak, Baskil, Karakoçan, Keban, Kovancılar, Maden, Palu and Sivrice.
 How to Get
Highway Elazığ is at the junction point connecting Eastern Anatolia to the Western region. Coach Station Tel: (+90 - 424) 224 20 02
Railway Elazığ is connected to east and west by railway. Railway Station Tel: (+90 - 424) 218 10 72 - 212 18 67
Airway Elazığ Airport is located at the 8th kilometer of Elazığ - Bingöl Highway. The arrival to the airport is possible via the services of T.H.Y. and commercial taxis. Airport Tel: (+90 - 424) 255 52 87
 Where to Visit
HarputCastle (Süt (Milk) Castle) The historical Harput castle is located at the southeast of the ancient city of Harput, at a position dominating the Elazığ plain. It is a known fact that this historical castle was build in the period of Urartu civilization. The castle was conquered by Romans, Byzantine and Arabians as stated in the historical documents.
There are various legends rumored about the historical castle. According to one rumor, milk was used instead of water at the construction of the castle as the component of the plaster and therefore the castle is also called as Süt (milk) castle beside Harput Castle.
Ulu Cami (Great Mosque) The mosque was constructed by Artuklu Monarch Fahrettin Karaslan in 1156 - 1157 A.D in Harput. and is among the oldest and important structures of Anatolia.
Kurşunlu Cami (Leaded Mosque) The mosque is the most beautiful representative of Ottoman Period mosques in Harput.
Sara Hatun Cami (Lady Sara Mosque) The mosque was constructed by Sara Hatun, who was the mother of Akkoyunlu Monarch Bahadır Khan during the 15th century . The balcony of the mosque is among the most beautiful samples of stone craftsmanship. Although it was constructed as a külliye, only the mosque section is standing in the present day.
Meryem Ana Kilisesi (Virgin Mary Church) The church is located at the left side of Harput Castle. It was constructed in 179 A.D . This church is also known as Kızıl Kilise (scarlet church), Süryani Church and Yakubi Church.
Cimşit Hamam It is an Ottoman period structure, located adjacent to Sara Hatun Mosque.
Hazar Lake The lake is located at 22 km. distance to Elazığ at the direction of Elazığ - Diyarbakır highway and is a tectonic lake stuck between Hazar Baba and Astar Mountains. The lake is the most important lake of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Regions with its original beaches. The lake is available for water sports and fishing. Two of the beaches of this lake had attained Blue Flag from the European Environmental Education Society. The lake reflects every shade of blue and green, displaying a different appearance at each hour of the day.
Beside the education and relaxation camps of about approximately 25 public associations and societies around the perimeter of the lake, there are hotels, pensions, restaurants and daily promenade fields certified by the Ministry of Tourism and fishing houses established by the private sector in service for the visitors.
The population density around the lake increases during the summer seasons and as an outcome of the researches executed in 1990, a sunken ancient city was discovered inside the lake, attaining a different mystery aspect to the lake. This sunken ancient city was determined to begin around the Church Island of Hazar lake, extending to the Sivrice district. The scientific and archeological studies and researches concerning this ancient sunken city are in progress to determine the history and the reasons of sinking of this city. The lake has no transportation problems and therefore is an important natural wealth serving the inland and foreign tourism in all aspects.
Keban Dam Lake This lake is the biggest artificial lake of Turkey. The activities of fishing and fish production are executed in the Keban Dam Lake. There are numerous promenade places and fish houses at the shores of the Keban Dam Lake where the public can rest and enjoy. The surrounding area of the waterfall known as Çırçır Waterfall, which was formed during the formation of Keban Dam Lake was announced to be a natural park and promenade area.
The most important cave in Elazığ is Buzluk Cave.
Location: It is in the north-east of Harput, at a distance of 11 km from Elazığ. The cave has a view of Keban Dam.
Characteristics: Ice sheets, stalagmites and stalactites are being formed naturally in the cave during summer due to the climatic conditions and air circulation resulting from its geomorphologic characteristics. On the contrary, in winters, it does not form ice because of the hot-air circulation. The cave is thought to be formed by the rocks that have been piled up due to a big collapse.
Sivrice Hazar Baba
The dominant climate in Elazığ Province is the terrestrial climate and the winter seasons pass cold and precipitant while summer seasons pass hot and dry. However,due to the natural and artificial lakes around the city, some partial variations from the climate is experienced.
City of Elazığ was founded among the skirts of the hill on which the historical Harput Castle was constructed in Eastern Anatolia. According to the present historical sources, the most ancient inhabitants of Harput was the Hurrian nation who settled in the Eastern Anatolia Region after 2000 B.C. Harput and vicinity had entered under the reign of Turkish nation in the year 1085 as the outcome of the victorious Malazgirt battle August,26 in 1071. The Çubukoğulları, Artukoğulları, Akkoyunlular and Ottomans had reigned in the region.
 Where to Eat
The local food varieties of Elazığ - Harput displays a great variation and riches according to the properties of the region. The city has lots of original food varieties which are remembered by the name of the city. These meals are cooked with the name of Elazığ meal in numerous regions of Turkey. Kellecoş, işgene, Harput köfte (Meat balls), taş ekmeği (Hard bread), peynir ekmek (bread with cheese), fodula, gömme, ufalama, söğürtme, ışkın, pirpirim, hesüde, gaygana, pestilli yumurta, dolangel, kalbur hurması, dilber dudağı could be counted among the food and desert varieties peculiar to Elazığ.
 What to Buy
You would not return from the city without seeing and even buying orcik and pestil (dried layers of fruit pulp), mulberry flour, orcik candy, ceden coffee or delicious Buzbağ wine produced from the local grapes and walnuts which you can easily carry with you, hand crafted art works, embroideries, local carpets, pileless carpets, copper crafts and colored cotton kerchiefs.
 Don't Leave Without
- Visiting the historical Harput city whose history extends to 2000 B.C,
- Seeing the natural wonder Hazar Lake and Buzluk Cave,
- Visiting the necklace of Fırat River, Keban Dam and Elazığ Archeology and Ethnography Museum,
- Buying the Buzbağ wine produced from the grapes of the region,
- Buying Orcik and pestil (dried layers of fruit pulp) and çedene coffee,
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Elazığ
Archaeological Sites: 27
Urban Sites: -
Natural Sites: 5
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 1
Historical and Urban Sites: 1
Total: 34
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural
Heritages: 112
TOTAL: 146
 Contact Information
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (424) 218 26 03
Fax: (424) 218 65 72
Elazığ State Classical Turkish Music Choir
Address: İstasyon Cad. Devlet Tiyatrosu Binası - Elazığ Choir
Tel: (0 424) 233 07 64
Elazığ Museum Address: Fırat Üniversitesi Kampüsü - Elazığ
Tel: (424) 212 24 03
Governorship : (+90-424) 237 60 01 - 237 60 02
Municipality : (+90-424) 218 11 06 - 238 24 90
Hospital : (+90-424) 238 10 00 (15 Hat)
Police : (+90-424) 238 57 01 - 238 57 02 - 238 57 03 - 238 57 04 - 238 57 05 - 238 57 06
Gendarme : (+90-424) 571 21 88
Provincial Directorate : (+90-424) 212 21 59 - 236 58 54
Provincial Culture Directorate : (+90-424) 218 26 03


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GN.K.B. K.K.K. D.K.K.

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