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Area: 6.570 km²
Population: 256.862 (1990)
Traffic Code: 40
Kırşehir city, which is a scene for various civilizations for thousands of years is not only drawing attention with various historical pieces of art, underground cities, but also with its rich thermal sources, Seyfe Lake (Bird Paradise) like natural beauties.
Districts: Kırşehir (center), Akçakent, Akpınar, Boztepe, Çiçekdağı, Kaman, Mucur.
 How to Get
Road: Terminal is approximately 2 km. away from city center. Municipality buses, minibus and private taxis are servicing to Terminal.
Coaching Station Tel : (+ 90 - 386) 212 28 66 - 213 20 26
Railroad: Train gar is 1 km away from city center.
 Where to Visit
Çagirkan Castle Tumulus: It is on Kirşehir - Kaman road, in Çağırkan borough, 9 km. away from Kaman province. It is settled from 3000 B. C. till Islamic Period.
Center Kalehöyük: Kalehöyük, which is at the city center, had been settled since B. C. periods till today.
Hashöyük: During the excavations, performed at Hashöyük, which is 35 km. away from city center, Hittite Period belonging ruins are found.
Mucur Underground City: The underground city at Mucur province center, is founded on 3rd and 4th centuries A. D. There are 42 chambers, dungeons, stables, temples, secret roads and gates and ventilation shafts within this city, which is 7 - 8 m. deep from ground.
Dulkadirli Inli Murat Underground City: It is in Dulkadirli Inli Murat village, which is 58 km. away from city center. It is thought that this city is built on 4th and 5th centuries A. D. It is composed of three main spaces and 10 chambers, which are opening to these spaces.
Mosque, Mausoleum and Churches
Cacabey (Theology School) Mosque: The theology school, which at the city center, is constructed on 1271 - 1272, and currently used as a mosque. It is served as an astronomy institute during Seljukian Period. Its minaret, which is separate from the structure, is also used as watching tower.
Derefakili Churches: These structures, which are some of the first churches of Christianity, are at the Derefakili village of Akçakent province.
Ahi Evran Mosque and Mausoleum: Mosque and Mausoleum, which is constructed in the name of Ahi Evran, who is the founder of the Ahilik Organization, on 1482, is at the city center. You can climb to the mausoleum by a ladder inside the mosque.
Lala (Lale) Mosque: It is at the city center, and just beside to the Melik Gazi Vault. Architectural style of the mosque is remembering you that it is constructed as a caravansary and a mint.
Melik Gazi Vault: It is thought that the vault, which is at south east of city center, is constructed during 13th century.
Other impressive vaults are Kalender Baba Vault and Fatma Hatun Vault.
Aşikpaşa Mausoleum, Cacabey Mausoleum, Süleyman Türkmani Mausoleum, Muhterem Hatun Mausoleum, Yunus Emre Mausoleum are the valuable pieces of arts to see within the region.
Religion Tourism
Cacabey (Medresesi) Mosque (Center): The theology school , which is at the city center, is constructed in 1271-1272 and currently used as a mosque.
It served as a astronomy institute during Seljuk period.It is minaret, which is seperate from the structure , was also used as an watch tower.
Ahi Evran Mosque and Mausoleum (Center): The mosque and mauso1eum , which was constructed in the name of Ahi Ervan, who was the founder of Ahilik Organization, in 1482, is at the city center.
One can climb the mausoleum by a ladder inside the mosque.
Lala Mosque (Lale Mosque-Center): It is at the city center and adjacent to Melik Gazi Vault.The architectural style of the mosque resemble to that of caravanserai and a mint.
Melik Gazi Vault (Center): In the southeast of the city center, teh vault is thought to have been built in 13th century.
Derefakılı Churches (Akçakent): Among the first Christian churches to have been built, these churches are located at Derefakılı Village,Akçakent district.
Kuş Castle: It is thought that Kuş castle, which is near to Kaman is constructed during Hittite Period and used until the end of Byzantium Period.
Keçi Castle: It is at north east of Kızılca village, of Kirşehir center. Today's height of the wall ruins of the castle, constructed by Byzantium, is 2 - 3 m. It is one of the biggest castles of Kirşehir.
Kesikköprü Caravansary: (Cacabey Inn) Caravansary, which is at the Kesikköprü village, 23 km. south of Kirşehir, and bridge near to it, are constructed on 1248 by Anatolian Seljukian State's Kirşehir Emir, Nurettin Caca. Corolla gate, constructed with two separate colored rocks, is drawing attention with its masonry.
Terme Thermal Tourism Center
Location: In the city of Kirsehir, north of Cappadocia, around 150km south-east of Ankara, and 90km north-west of Nevsehir, on the main highway between the two.
Water temperature: 40°C - 56°C
pH value: 6.2
Physical and chemical properties: Bicarbonate, chlorine, calcium, sodium, carbon dioxide and fluoride.
Recommended: Applications Drinking and bathing
Helps to heal: Cardiovascular problems, mental and muscular fatigue, nervous disorders, joint pain, calcium deposits and patients recovering from surgery.
Accommodation: 3-star hotel - 200 beds.
Karakurt Thermal Spring: It is at karalar village of Kirşehir city center. It is 15 km. away from city center. There are 50 bedded hotel, market and tea garden around it on the thermal spring.
Seyfe Lake Nature Protection Area
Kirsehir - Seyfe Lake Nature Reserve
Location: The lake is 30km northeast of Kirsehir, which is in between Ankara and Cappadocia, and just off the highway between Mucur and Karahasanli, in Central Anatolia.
Transportation: The lake is easily accessible from Kirsehir, which is well connected by public transport.
Highlights: The lake is a habitat to the bustard and shelduck, two birds under threat of extinction, as well as a significant breeding are for flamingos. There are 167 different species of water birds, with a total population of around half a million which also include grey heron, crested grebe, pheasant, pintail duck, white neck plover and crane.
Seyfe Lake and Hirfanli Dam Bird Areas are within Kirşehir city.
Seyfe Lake
City: Kırşehir
Provinces: Mucur, Boztepe
Surface Area : 14000
Altitude : 1110 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with ak pelikan (100 pairs), kaşıkçı(50 pairs), flamingo (2000 pairs), Macar ördeği (15 pairs), toy, kılıçgaga (500 pairs), mahmuzlu kızkuşu (10 pairs), Akdeniz martısı (500 pairs), gülen sumru (500 pairs) and küçük sumru (500 pairs) populations. There are huge numbers of water birds (max. 21.861) during winter, sakarca (max.7200) and angıt (max. 978) are samples of these.
Main Characteristics: salty / light salty lake, steppe
Matched category: A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i, B2. B3
Hirfanlı Dam
City: Kırşehir
Provinces: Evren
Surface Area : 26300
Protection: N/A
Main Characteristics: dam lake
Matched category: A1, A4i, A4iii, B1i
Kirşehir Museum: Various period's findings, Ahilik belonging documents and ethnographic pieces of arts, revealed during studies and excavations performed within the region, beginning from the Asyrian Commercial Colonies, are being exhibited within the Museum.
Museum Tel:(+90-386) 213 33 91
Terrestrial climate is dominant in Kirşehir. While winters are passing cold and hard, it is not continuous like Eastern Anatolia Region. Summers are hot and dry, spring is precipitating and autumn is less rainy.
Studies performed in Kırşehir and its environs, show that background of the city reaches till Ancient Bronze Age (3000 - 2000 B. C.). Then Hittites, Frigs, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Byzantium, Seljukian and Ottomans are reigned in the region.
Ahilik, which had a great role on economical and commercial life of Anatolia for centuries, had been established in Kırşehir during 13th century. A trades organization, Ahilik's basis is honesty, mutual help and respect.
 Where to Eat
Earthenware pot trotters in Tandır, keşkef should be tasted.
 What to Buy
You can buy from the hand made products, made up of famous "onyx" stone of Kırşehir.
 Don't Leave Without
- Seeing Cacabey Mosque, Ahi Evran Mosque,
- Visiting thermal springs,
- Buying 'Onxy' made souvenirs,
- Tasting Keşkef.
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Kırşehir
Archaeological Sites: 75
Urban Sites: -
Natural Sites: 3
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites Archaeological and Natural Sites: 2
Archaeological and Historical Sites: 1
Total: 81
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 49
TOTAL: 130
 Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-386) 213 11 25
Municipality : (+90-386) 212 83 83
Hospital : (+90-386) 213 45 15
Police : (+90-386) 213 34 25
Gendarme : (+90-386) 812 20 01
Provincial Directorate : (+90-386) 214 28 00 - 213 14 16
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Kültür Merkezi KIRŞEHİR
Tel: (0 386) 213 13 40
Fax: 212 32 95


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