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Dil Seç



Area: 38.183 km²
Population: 1.750.303 (1990)
Traffic Code: 42
Konya is one of the first inhabited cities in the history of mankind, and still contains traces of many ancient civilisations which gives it the atmosphere of a museum city. Because of its locations in the middle of the barren Anatolian steppe, it used to be one of the most important trading centres on the Silk Road. The fertile land around the city means Konya is also the heart of Turkey’s grain industry, with farming a major industry. Steeped in tradition, it is one of the most conservative and religious places in the country, and best known as the adopted home of Celaleddin Rumi, the Sufic mystic who founded the Whirling Dervish sect. Today it is still a centre of Sufic practice and teaching, and one of the highlights for visitors is the Mevlana Museum, the former lodge of the dervishes.
Districts: Konya (center), Ahırlı, Akören, Akşehir, Altınekin, Beyşehir, Bozkır, Cihanbeyli, Çeltik, Çumra, Derbent, Derebucak, Doğanhisar, Emirgazi, Ereğli, Güneysınır, Hadim, Halkapınar, Hüyük, Ilgın, Kadınhanı, Karapınar, Karatay, Kulu, Meram, Sarayönü, Selçuklu, Seydişehir, Taşkent, Tuzlukçu, Yazlıhöyük, Yunak.
 How to Get
By Road: Konya is well connected to all areas of the country, with a good bus network. The main bus station is 3km north of the city, and from there regular services include Istanbul (10 hours), Izmir (8 hours), Nevsehir (2½ hours), Ankara (3 hours) and Antalya (6 hours). There is a tram into the city, and many minibuses.
Bus Station Tel: (+90 - 0332) 265 0244. Fax: 265 0194.
By Rail: The train station is in the southwest of the city centre. There are direct trains to Istanbul (14 hours), Adana (8 hours), Afyon (6 hours), Gaziantep (13hours) and Isparta (1 hour). Tickets should be purchased in advance for long distance fast trains.
Railway Station Tel : (+ 90 - 0332) 322 3670
By Air: There are daily flights to and from Istanbul. There is a Turkish Airlines bus service to and from the city centre.
Airport Tel: (+ 90 - 0332) 345 0288
 Where to Visit
Çatalhöyük: This ancient site, 50km south-east of Konya, is said to be the first settlement in the world with houses and sacred buildings dating back to 6800 BC. The remains were discovered by British archaeologists in 1958, and research shows 13 different strata with evidence of houses that had to be entered by holes in the roof as there were no streets. There is little left at the site, except the remains of mud brick houses, murals, plaster reliefs and pottery. Construction was from adobe, wood and reed, and most of the findings are now in the Konya Museum of Archaeology.
It is possible to get most of the way by minibus, then a taxi for the remaining 10 miles.
ClistraAnticCity: The ancient city of Kilistra is 55km south-west of Konya, and was one of the first places that St Paul gave sermons. The area is famous for its archaeological carvings and buildings cut into the rock, the best examples of which are the Hadj Plank Chapel, Sumbul Church, Double Sirahane, and Great Water Cistern Chapel. The best way of getting to the area is by private transport, although there may be buses going part of the way from Konya.
Sille Aya - Elena Church: The tiny village of Sille, 8km northwest of Konya, has a long and interesting history. Helena, mother of Byzantine Emperor Constanine, stopped in Konya during her journey to Jerusalem for a Hajj pilgrimage in 327 AD, and after seeing the engraved temples here belonging to the first ages of Christianity, she too decided to construct a temple. The Sille Aya, or Elena Church, contains a rostrum and some fairly well preserved murals, which are unique works of art. It is thought that this church was in use until 1923. The village also has old stone bridges, other churches and the remains of frescoes. Sille is reached by bus number 64 from Konya.
Eflatunpınar: This holy Hittite monument is 22km from Beysehir and around 80km west of Konya. The monument represents the gods holding up the sky, and providing the link between the heavens and earth. It has well preserved embossed designs, engraved onto 14 rectangular stone blocks.
FasıllarMonument: It is one of the biggest rock monuments of the earth. The Fasıllar Monument represents the God between two lions in a mountain temple.
EflatunpınarHittiteMonument: The Eflatunpınar Hittite Monument takes place within the borders of Beyşehir District of Konya. The Monument consists of embossed designs on rectangular rocks near a spring. These embossed designs, which are still keeping their characteristics, had been engraved on 14 rock blocks.
İvriz Embossed Designs: These monuments takes place in the İvriz Village of Halkapınar District. They had been made by Hittites.
Kubad - AbadPalace: Lying southwest of Beysehir Lake, the palace was constructed between 1226 – 1236 and is the oldest example of the theological school of Turkish Palaces.
Zazadin Han: This was constructed in 1236 and lies 25km northwest of Konya, on the road to Aksaray.
Horozlu Han: This Han was made in two different sections; one for a summer resort and one as a winter house. It lies 44km west of Konya.
Obrukhan Han: Obruk is around 100km northeast of Konya, and the Han is built in typical Seljuk style.
Mevlana Medrese, Seljuk Pavilion, Sahip Ata Medrese, Sircali Medrese, Karatay Medrese, Ince Minaret and Medrese, Aziziye Mosque, Selimiye Mosque, Esrefoglu Mosque (Beysehir) are the most important medreses and mosques in Konya.
The mausoleums of Sultanlar, Emir Nureddin, Gomec Hatun, Hurrem Pasa, Murad Pasa Kizi, Sinan Pasa and Nasreddin Hoca are the most famous.
Alaettin Mosque: The ancient mosque dates back to 1219, and was constructed by the Seljuk Sultan of Rum. It lies on Alaettin Tepesi (hill) which has a few remains of a Seljuk palace, but it was the site of the original acropolis and most of its remains are now in the Ankara Museum.
The mosque itself has irregular and interesting architectural features, like columns of different sizes and a rambling design and decorations incorporated from different periods. Inside is a tomb chamber containing a dozen Seljuk sultans.
Openings hours: 08.30 – 18.00, non-Muslims should not enter during prayer times.
Religion Tourism
Mevlana Mausoleum and Dervish Convent (Center): The idea to construct such a structure was originated from the will of Sultan-ul Ulema Bahaeddin Veledin, father of Mevlana, when he wanted to be burried there after his death in 1230 and the structure turn out to take its shape as a single tomb was built upon his grave. After the death of Mevlana,a tomb was built there by Pervane Muiniddin and his wife Gürcü Hatun. The tomb has taken its current dervish convent structre as further religious and social architectural additions were carried out. Succeeding to the death of Mevlana that is from 1273 improvements as to the dervish convent building continued and it was converted into a museum after the Proclamation of the Republic. In the museum there are properties belonging to Mevlana and other dervishes as well as valuable samples of hand-painted kerchiefs,handwritings, ornaments, wooden works of art and instruments of the Mevlevi music, carpets and pileless carpets.
The msot appealing section of the tomb is the Kubbe-i Hadra (Green Vault) above the graves of Hz. Mevlana and his son Sultan Veledin. Inside of the structure built by Architect Bedreddin during Seljuk Period in 1396 is coated with green tiles. The inner walls of the tomb was embellished with plaster relief and designs. The sarcophagus of Hz. Mevlana is one of the superior samples of wooden crafts of the period.Yet this high sarcophagus is above that of his father Sultan-ul Ulema Bahaeddin Veledin's. On the north side of the tomb, there are Semahane( where Mevlevi dervishes perform the sema) and a small mosque constructed by Kanuni Sultan Süleyman in 16th century. Şeb-i Aruz Pool, on the other hand, is before the kitchen of the dervish convent. Within the frame of the annual commemoration ceremonies organized in the name of Mevlana, whirling dances of the Mevlevi dervishes( sema) around the pool are performed in certain days called as Şeb-i Aruz (Feast Day). Since the death of Hz. Mevlana was considered as a reunion with God, these days have been renamed as feast days. Most above all Hz. Mevlana is a great humanist, a perfect advocate of peace and a sage figure.
Alaaddin Mosque (Center): Konya is on Alaaddin Hill. The first Seljuk work of art dating back to 12th century, Alaaddin Mosque is not an organic whole since its plan has exposed to various changes in the course of time. On the magnificient pulpit of the first mosque made of ebony tree and dated 1155, there are epitaphs of Sultan Mesut and Kılıçaslan II and the names of Master Mengümberti on them.
Two different periods are observed in the mosque which is thought to have been constructed in accordance to the superiority of its pulpit as the most ancient Seljuk work of art.
Aziziye Mosque (Center): As the first construction built by Mustafa Paşa in 1676 was destructed by a big fire in 1867, this mosque that has remained till today was constructed through the contributions of Abdülaziz and his mother Pertevniyal Hatunun in 1872.
İnce Minareli Mosque and TheologySchool (Center): On the western slope of the Alaaddin Hill, the theology school(medresseh) was constructed by Seljuk Vizier Sahip Ata in 1260. Despite of the splendid view of the crown gate, it is a plain and unadorned structure.
Sublime stone masonry presenting the grandeur of the Seljuk architecture demonstrate the most praiseworthy art since the French gothic.
İplikçi Mosque and TheologySchool (Center): On the eastern side of the Alaaddin Hill, it is located on Alaaddin Road. According to the endowment of the medresseh, it is estimated that the first structure was constructed by the Vizier Şemseddin Altunbanın (Altıapa) during Kılıçaslan II. (through end the of XIIth Century). The mosque and medresseh( theology school) was extended and restored by Hacı Ebu Bekir in 1332.
Mihrab, ( nicheof a mosque indicating the direction of Mecca) encircled with two belts adorned with intermingling geometric motifs of tiles with the colors of turquoise and violet; and curled ornamentations( widely used by the Seljuks of Anatolia) made of turquoise and darkblue tiles, is among the most oldest examples of this kind in Anatolia.This edifice is of high esteem since Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi gave lectures in that place.
Sahip Ata Kulliye (Center): Recent reseraches have revealed the fact that Sahip Ata Cami instead stretched out to the facade with double minarets and was a wooden mosque perched on wooden piers. The inscriptions stated that the construction of the building had been commenced by Seljuk Vizier Sahip Ata and that it was a masterpiece of architect Kölük Bin Abdullah. In this respect, it was the oldest Seljuks mosque to be known with its wooden piers . Completed in 1283, the tomb and the dervish convent later restored to its recent form as a külliye which is a complx of building adjacent to a mosque. Only the magnificient mihrap (niche of the mosque indicating the direction of Mecca) decorated with dazzling mosaic tiles remians to our present times.
Lala Mustafa Paşa Kulliye (Ilgın): Külliye is compsed of three sections as a mosque,imaret( kitchen) and an inn. The mosque constitutes a part of the külliye covering a wide section in the bazaar.
Built by Lala Mustafa Paşa in 1576, the külliye was in some sources said to have been one of the works of art of Mimar Sinan.
Eşrefoğlu Mosque (Beyşehir): On the eastern section of Beyşehir District,it is located at İçeri Quarter. It was constructed between the years 1296-1299 and the most authentic and the biggest wooden mosques in Anatolian region.
Sublime stone and wooden masonry, designs, adornments of mosaic tiles all together create a harmonious outcome with the latest and the most mature style of Seljuk art.
One of the most splendid samples of tiled minarets, the mihrab of the mosque completely adorned with turquoise, dark blue and violet mosaic tiles is of 6 meters height and 5.50 meters width. The structure reflects the flavour of Beylikler Devri (Eşrefoğlu Domain) with its rich stone masonry, glazed tiles on its interior space, fortifications and wooden decorations on the minber (hooded dais).
Nasreddin Hoca Tomb (Akşehir): On the eastern part of the ramparts of Akşehir province, the tomb is located at the cemetry named with the name of the city. The present appearance of the tomb was acquired by the Akşehir Head Official Şükrü Bey in 1905 as the structure has had difficulty in retaining its authentic view during series of maintances.Only the main tomb of the ancient structure has remained. On the head end of the sarcophagus of the master of humour, there is the date of his death written reversed as 386 symbolizing his jokes.
Sille Siyata Monastery (Center): Among the important centers of the early Christian period, this monastery is 8 km northwest from the center of Konya province. Among the various tombs engraved to rocks by monks, Akmanastır ,Haglos Kharitan (St. Choritan),leads among the others and one of the primary monastries in the world.
Akmanastır (Haglos Kharitan, Sille): It is located between Konya and Sille. Having been composed of buildings forming a circular structure around the engraved rooms, the monastery was constructed in 274 as a dedication to Saint Horion.
HaghiaEleniChurch (Sille): Located at Sille Subdistrict and constructed in 327 during the reign of Emperor Konstantinus, it was the first Christian church to be constructed in Anatolian Region. The church is adorned with the figures of Jesus, Virgin Mary and the Apostles. On the interior door of the church, which has been restored and not been in service currently, there is a poem written in Greek language by Turkish expressions stating that the building was constructed in the name of Mikail Arhonkolan.
Lystra (Meram-Hatun Saray):
It is located at Zolkara which is in the west of Konya, at 1 km distance to Hatunsaray Town and 400 meters inside from the right side of the main road.
During the reign of the Roman Emperor Agust, Lystra joined the colonized cities of Nykaoline region (6 B.C). Later on it became an important center of episcopacy during Christian times. Though St. Paul had set out to Yalvaça(Antiocheia) from Tarsus, he decided to come to Lystraya and addressed his sermons there. In the very first year one of the ten apostles Artemus became a pishop in Lystra. Today traces of settlement have been witnessed at Lystra ruins.
Beyşehir Lake National Park
Location: Beysehir Lake lies in the middle of Isparta (105km) and Konya (94km), in the province of Beysehir.
Transportation: The 238th State Highway connects Konya and Beysehir, and the lake is just to the west of that. There is also transport by road from Isparta.
Highlights: Beysehir lake is the third largest in Turkey, and as a result of chemical reaction it has formed many islands, which are the remains of cavernous geological structures. The water is alkaline, and within it are carp, trout, bass, turtles and snakes. The islands provide a home for thousands of water birds who nest there, including swans, cormorants, ducks and divers. Species of trees here include juniper, black pine, firs, cedar and oak.
In addition to the natural beauty of the area, it also has an interesting history as it was governed by Hittites, Friesian, Lydias, Persians and Byzantines. Finally, the Anatolian Seljuks conquered the area in 1076, and since then it has been under the reign of the Turks. The remains of Kubadabad Palace date back to the Seljuks, and are found on Kizkalesi Island, 3km from the shore near Yenisarbademli village.
Facilities: The park is open between May and October. Tents or caravans can stay in specially designated areas.
Konya-Fossil Juniper
Place: Konya
Characteristics: A 500 years old juniper tree that have a circumference length of 4.5 meters.
Foundation Date: 27.09.1994
Konya-Meke Lake
Place: Konya
Characteristics: The lake which had been formed in the hole caused by a volcanic explosion called Maar.
Foundation Date: 03.08.2000
Kocakoru Forest Natural Protection Area
Location: The Kocakoru Natural Park is near the village of Tarasci in the Seydisehir district of Konya.
Transportation: The park can be accessed from Konya, which is well connected to the rest of the country by bus.
Highlights: Tarasci and its environment have the characteristics of a steppe forest, which lies towards the foot of the Taurus mountains. The low humidity and rainfall in the region means that the ecosystem of the forest is fragile. Many forests around here are under threat from industrial use, which highlights the importance of the conservation attempts of this park to protect the region’s ecosystem. The variety of trees, which includes Anatolian black pine and Taurus fir, is important to the entire area.
There are three areas within the forest, known as Kucuk Oluk, Gudal and Hacihasan Olugu, which are all popular for picnicking and walking.
Akgöl Natural Protection Area
Location: The lake lies in the Eregli district of Konya, in Central Anatolia.
Highlights: Akgol Lake and its surroundings are home to a vast quantity and variety of water birds. Some are in danger of extinction, which means that this natural protection area, with an area of 6787 hectares, is of great national and international importance. Over 200 species of birds have been seen living in and around the Eregli reed beds, and amongst those are flamingos, titmouse, cormorant, many types of heron, swan, goose, duck, Egyptian vulture, snake eagle, reed hen harrier, crane, dove, eagle owl and great falcon. During the winter migration season, little marsh, peaked marsh, great white heron, white-fronted goose, hairy duck and crane are very common.
Akşehir and Eber Lake, Çavuşcu Lake, Uyuz Lake, Samsam Lake, Kozanlı Lake, Kulu Lake, Ereğli Reed Bed, Karapınar Plain, Beyşehir Lake, Suğla Lake, Hotamış Reed Bed, Bolluk Lake, Tersakan Lake and Tuz Lake Bird Areas takes place within the BORDERS OF Konya.
Akşehir and Eber Lake
City: Konya, Afyon
Provinces: Bolvadin, Çay, Sultandağı, Akşehir, Tuzlukçu
Surface Area : 53600
Altitude: Lake Akşehir 966 m, Lake Eber 967 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It is an important reproduction area for küçük karabatak (50 pairs) and tepeli pelikan (a few pairs). Balıkçıl are reproducing in reed islands within Lake Akşehir as mixed colonies, and there are also alaca balıkçıl (70 pairs), erguvani balıkçıl (50 pairs), çeltikçi (50 pairs) and kaşıkçı (15 pairs) among these. Pasbaş patka (10 pairs) and gülen sumru (20 pairs) on sand islands between reeds, and büyük cılıbıt is breeding around the lake. You can face with numerous sakarca (max. 15.900) during winter. Area gains important bird areas status as shelter region during immigration for pelikan (max. 2000) and çeltikçi (max. 1536).
Main Characteristics: sweet water lakes, swamp
Çavuşcu Lake
City: Konya
Provinces: Ilgın
Surface Area : 1200
Altitude : 1026 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with bıyıklı sumru (100 pairs) population and huge number of water birds (max. 32.586) wintering, including Macar ördeği (max.1000).
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake
Uyuz Lake
City: Konya
Surface Area: 15
Altitude : 1185 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with dikkuyruk (10 pairs) population.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake
Konya Closed Water Basin
City: Konya
Provinces: Kulu
Surface Area: 830
Altitude: 980 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with kılıçgaga (max. 616).
Main Characteristics: light salty lake
Kozanlı Gökgöl
City: Konya
Provinces: Kulu
Surface Area: 650
Altitude: 925 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: Dikkuyruk (10 pairs) and küçük kerkenez (10 pairs in Kozanlı town) reproduce.
Main Characteristics: sweet water lake, swamp
City: Konya
Provinces: Kulu
Surface Area: 860
Altitude: 950 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It hosts yaz ördeği (3 pairs), Macar ördeği (20 pairs), paspaş patka (10 pairs), dikkuyruk (30 pairs), kılıçgaga (250 pairs), büyük cılıbıt, Akdeniz martısı (400 pairs) and gülen sumru. There are kara boyunlu batağan (max. 2055), angıt(max. 10.000), dikkuyruk (max. 319), uzunbacak (max. 4000), kılıçgaga (max. 1000) and akça cılıbıt (max. 300). Sometimes sakarca (max. 9718) can be seen.
Main Characteristics: light salty lake
Ereğli Reed Bed
City: Konya, Karaman
Provinces: Ereğli, Karapınar, Ayrancı
Surface Area : 37000
Altitude: 998 m
Protection: partially
Bird Species: Küçük karabatak (600 pairs), ak pelikan (23 pairs), tepeli pelikan (düzensiz olarak reproduce), alaca balıkçıl (30 pairs), erguvani balıkçıl (50 pairs), çeltikçi (50 pairs), kaşıkçı (20 pairs), flamingo (300 pairs), boz ördek (20 pairs), yaz ördeği (5 pairs), Macar ördeği (500 pairs), paspaş patka (10 pairs), dikkuyruk (50 pairs), küçük kerkenez (20 pairs), kılıçgaga (75 pairs), bataklıkkırlangıcı(50 pairs), büyük cılıbıt, mahmuzlu kızkuşu (20 pairs) and küçük sumru (60 pairs) are reproducing with important numbers.
Main Characteristics: sweet water swamp, steppe
Karapınar Plains
City: Konya
Provinces: Karapınar, Emirgazi
Surface Area : 15200
Altitude: 960 m
Protection: Yes
Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status due to büyük cılıbıt population and important numbers present during winter sakarca (max. 14.000) and angıt (max. 900).
Main Characteristics: light salty lake, salty swamp
Meke Crater Lake: This crater lake came into existence following a double volcano eruption 8km from Karapinar, which has caused many interesting geological features. Other crater lakes in the area are Acigol Golu, Cirak Golu and Meyil Lake.
Yerköprü Waterfall: The waters from Yerkopru Waterfall, in the district of Hadim, have been proved to have a beneficial effect on certain dermatological illnesses.
Ilgın Thermal Tourism Center
Location: Just outside Ilgin, 88km north-west of Konya.
Transportation: Konya is well connected to the rest of the country by road and air. The resort lies just off the main highway to Ilgin.
Water temperature: 42°C
pH value: 7.0
Physical and chemical properties: Hyperthermal, hypertonic and radioactive, bicarbonate, calcium, sodium, carbon dioxide.
Recommended: Applications Drinking, bathing and inhalation.
Helps to heal: Rheumatism, gall bladder and liver problems, poor metabolism.
Accommodation: Konya Ilgin Thermal Facilities - 570 beds.
Balatini, Korukini and Buyuk Duden Cave are the best known caves in the Konya area.
Konya Caves
Balatini Cave
Location: Konya, Beyşehir District
The cave is located with in the borders of Çamlik Village and Derebucak district in Beysehir - Konya you can arrive at the cave by stabilized way, branched from 45 km of Konya - Beysehir - Üzümlü - Manavgat. The cave is situated 5 km far from Çamlik ve6 km from Derebucak. It is also 3 km northwest of Körükini and Suluin caves.
Properties: The total length of the cave is 1830 meters and has two entrances displaying the properties of sinkhole and fountain. The entrance which is closer to the road draws the water of little uvula and run down 2km south, from a cracked valley border, slope of Uzunsu river side.
Balatini Cave is developed from two different levels, are an top of the other. The fossil branch surface of upper level is completely covered with cave clay and ended with the statue Room filled with the little statues made by the visitors. The lower level is the main gallery which contains the water. You can go through the gallery by foot when the level of water decreases. The three small pool, can be, passed by transition technique or by boat. The Statue Room and the natural rock sculptures are worth to be seen.
Körükini Cave
Location: Konya, Beyşehir District
Properties: The total length of cave is 1250m. and Uzunsu River is flows from the interior of the Körükini Cave. After leaving the cave, Uzunsu River flows through the Degirmen Valley and reaches to Degirmenini Cave. The cave is completely active so passing the river with boat, especially at the parts where there are waterfalls between the rock blocks is hard and needs experience. Summer and autumn is more suitable seasons to enter the cave. In spring, entering the cave might be dangerous because of the waterfalls and siphons.
Büyük Düden Cave
Location: Konya, Derebucak District
The cave is in Derebucak district of Konya Province. It is at the 18th km in the direction of Ibradi from Derebucak after Konya-Beysehir-Derebucak road, and it is situated at the west side of Kembos Plain.
Properties: Kembos Plain with a width of 1km and a length of 15km drains the snow water melting in the spring and especially the water accumulated here via Uzunsu Creek by means of Feyzullah sinkhole, another chasm. Water drained from these sinkholes is joined to Manavgat Creek by passing through Altinbesik Düdensuyu Cave. Although the cave does not have a touristic importance, it is important regarding the speleological aspect. There exists numerous lakes, big halls and siphons in this sinkhole which has a length of 714 meters.
Tınaztepe Cave System
Location: Konya, Seydişehir District
The Tınaztepe Cave System is at the Keçili Village locality which is at 35 km. southwest of Seydişehir. The cave is at 5km west of Mortaş Aluminum bed. The Seydişehir-Manavgat highway passes close to the cave.
Properties: This cave system has developed inside the Creates limestone and is formed by three layers one on other. The upper layer having 100 meters length is completely fossilized. The intermediate layer has 1015 meters of total length and is semi active. Water flows Inside this layer at precipitant seasons and it ends with a siphon. The lower layer is a branch developed on a big fault and is active displaying sinkhole cave characteristics. In precipitant seasons, the surface waters of a wide area flows here. These waters flow inside the Susuz Güvercinlik Cave which is at southeast and come out from the springs near Suğla Lake. The explored length of this active cave until now is 527 meters. But the total length of this cave had not been completely determined. The deep but narrow lakes and siphons inside this cave makes the explorations difficult.
Hunting: In hilly and thickly wooded areas like Beyşehir, Seydişehir, Hadim, Taşkent, and Ilgın hunting tourism is being made, especially by foreign tourists.
Cycling: Because of the geographical structure of the city and its surrounding plains, cycling is very popular in Konya. The Mevlana International Cycle Race is held here every year between 5 - 9 September.
Mevlana Museum: The museum is housed in the first tekke (lodge) of the Dervish sect, and is considered to be a holy place because it contains the tomb of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, one of the most important philosophers of Turkish Islamic Mysticism. It is thought that the site was presented by the Seljuk sultans to the dervishes, and the buildings which were mostly constructed during the 15th and 16th centuries, are attractive and ornate.
Mevlana Turbesi (tomb) is surrounded by the tombs of his son and father, and all are heavily decorated and a place of utmost respect. (Visitors should not wear shorts, and women should cover their heads.) Many Muslims come here to pray, and pay their respects to the philosopher who extolled the virtues of music and dance, humility and compassion.
The museum also contains the cells, chapel and hall in which the Mevlana would teach, and musical items, clothing and manuscripts which the dervishes once used. The rooms surrounding the beautiful courtyard are furnished in the style of the period, with ornate artwork and architectural features.
Museum Tel: (0332) 351 12 15
Opening hours: 08.30-17.00, closed Mondays.
Karatay Museum (Theological School): The Seljuk Theological School was constructed by Emir Celaleddin Karatay in 1251, and inside is an extensive collection of ceramics and tiles from the Seljuk and Ottoman times. The beautiful marble portal is a great example of ornate Islamic art, combining Greek, Arabic and Seljuk architectural styles. One of the highlights is the dome of stars, which represents the heavens using distinctive shades of blue tiles, inscriptions quoting the first chapter of the holy Quran, and the names of the prophets.
Museum tel: (0332 ) 351 8958 / 149
Opening hours: 08.30-12.00 & 13.30-17.30, closed Mondays.
İnce Minare Museum (Theological School): To the west of Alaeddin Tepesi is the Ince Minare Medrese, built by the Seljuk Vizier Sahip Ata Fahrettin Ali in 1254. Its main exhibits are carvings in wood and stone dating back to the Seljuks, and most carry motifs found in the tiles and ceramics, lions, humans, and the double-headed eagles which is mow a symbol of the town. The main doorway has stunning examples of ornate tiles and decorative calligraphy.
Opening hours: 08.30 – 12.00 & 13.30 – 17.30, closed Mondays.
Sırçalı Tomb Monuments Museum: Established in 1242, the museum now houses valuable tombstones from Seljuks and Ottomans. The tilework of the exterior is striking, and calligraphy decorates the archway to the courtyard.
Museum Tel: (0332 ) 350 4031
Closed Mondays.
Archeological Museum: This small collection has exhibits from Konya’s ancient history, including decorated Roman sarcophagi from Pamphylian, and Hittite artefacts from Catal Hoyuk (the oldest known inhabited settlement). There are also remains from Greek, Byzantine and early Bronze Ages.
Museum Tel: (0332) 351 89 58/152
Opening hours: 09.00 – 12.00 & 13.30 – 17.30, closed Mondays.
Atatürk Museum: In the museum; private belongings, clothes, photographs, and documents are being exhibited.
Museum Tel : ( + 90 - 332 ) 351 89 58/151 Open days to visit : Everyday except Mondays.
Ethnography Museum: Exhibits include traditional Konya suits, handmade items of clothing, belts, knitted purses, weapons and coin collections.
Museum Tel: (0332) 351 8958 - 353 2342
Closed Mondays.
Koyunoğlu Museum: Izzet Koyunluoglu, a member of an old Konya family, established a museum in his house which holds his own private collection. The vast array of exhibits includes historical works of art, books that he had collected over many years, illuminated manuscripts, kilims and carpets. The archaeological section containing coins, fossils, jewellery and Bronze Age relics.
Museum Tel: (0332) 351 1857
Closed Mondays.
Akşehir Archeological Museum: Exhibits include items from the Hittite, Phrygian, Lydian, Roman and Byzantine ages.
Museum Tel: (0332 ) 813 1568
Closed Mondays.
Ereğli Museum: Archaeological and ethnographic exhibits date back to the Hittite, Phrygian, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine ages, and there are also works of Turkish Islamic art.
Museum Tel: (0332 ) 713 4592
Opening hours: 09.00 – 17.00, closed Mondays.
Akşehir Atatürk Museum: The building had been used as the center for the Western Front during the Independence War of Turkey. Its originality had been kept till today, and it serves as a witness of those times under the name of Akşehir Atatürk Museum.
Museum Tel: ( + 90 - 332 ) 813 15 68 Open hours to visit: The museum can be visited during the working hours at each day of the week except Mondays.
Typical of the climate in Central Anatolia, the climate here is very hot and dry in summer, and freezing cold in winter. April can be rainy, and the best times to visit are spring and autumn.
The history of Konya and its environment goes back to the Prehistoric Age, with the earliest remains dating back to the 7th millennium BC. Catal Hoyuk, 50m south of the city, dates back to this era and claims to be the oldest known inhabited area in the world. The city was governed by Hittite, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Iskenderun, Bergama, Roman and Byzantine States. It was an important provincial town under the Romans, known then as Icunium, and was visited by St Paul and St Barnabas who both delivered sermons here.
The Seljuks defeated the Byzantine army in the battle of Malazgirt in 1071 but failed to set up a capital in Iznik and ended up holding the seat of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum, which controlled most of Anatolia, in Konya. The city was at its most powerful during the 13th century when the sultans established a court of artists and scholars, and constructed many beautiful and elaborate buildings, many of which are still standing.
This was also the era of Celaleddin Rumi, known as Mevlana, who fled from Afghanistan and came to Konya in 1228. He later established a centre for the teaching of mystic philosophy and Sufi practice, encouraging his disciples to practise love, charity and tolerance.
After the Seljuks, the city was governed by the Karamanogullari and Ottomans.
 Where to Eat
Soups form the base of traditional food in Konya, and these include lentil, tandir, okra, milk, and vermicelli. The most famous speciality of the city is firin Kebap (oily roasted mutton) and etli ekmek (pide topped with meat). There are many types of kebap and pastries available. Alcohol is not widely available in the city.
 What to Buy
Handmade carpets and kilims are sold in shops at the east end of Mevlana Caddesi, and the Mevlana museum sells books and cassettes relating to the Dervishes. The visitors can also buy gifts of Mevlana and the region.
 Don't Leave Without
- Learning about the Dervishes in the Mevlana Museum,
- Visiting the ancient sites of Catalhoyuk and Kilistra,
- Admiring the ornate architecture of the Mosques, Palaces, and Hans,
- Entering a wedding dinner,
- Buying carpets, and pileless carpets from the villages of Konya.
- Watching the Mevlevi ceremony between 10-17 December every year.
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Konya
Archaeological Sites: 406
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: 40
Historical Sites: 43
Other Sites
Archaeological and Natural Sites: 18
Archaeological and Urban Sites: 1
Archaeological, Urban and Historical : 1
Historical and Urban Sites : 4
Historical and Natural Sites: 1
Archaeological, Historical and Natural Sites: 1
Total: 515
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 1079
TOTAL: 1594
 Contact Information
Governorship : (+90-332) 351 11 18
Municipality : (+90-332) 248 64 66
Hospital : (+90-332) 418 10 21 - 426 10 43
Police : (+90-332) 236 57 60
Gendarme : (+90-332) 418 13 28
Provincial Directorate : (+90-332) 351 10 74
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (332) 353 40 20 - 21 - 22
Fax: (332) 353 40 23
Konya Turkish Sufite Music Ensemble Directorate
Address: Mevlana Meydanı Eş'arizade Sok. No:21
Topluluk Tel: (0 332) 350 42 29 - 30
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
Babıaksaray Mah. Mevlana Alanı No:21
Tel: (0 332) 350 39 25
Fax: 353 40 23
Archeology Museum
Address: Larende Cad. - Konya
Tel: (332) 351 32 07
Museum for Tile Works Address: Alaattin Meydanı - Konya
 Tel: (332) 351 19 14
Museum for Monument Graves
Address: Gazi Alemşah Mah. Sırçalı Cad. - Konya
Tel: (332) 352 80 22
Museum for Stone and Wood Works Eserler
Address: Alaattin Meydanı - Konya
Tel: (332) 351 32 04
Etnography Museum
Address: Larende Cad. - Konya
Tel: (332) 351 89 58
Akşehir Museum
Address: Dr. Aziz Perkun Cad. No: 94 Akşehir - Konya
 Tel: (332) 813 15 68
Ereğli Museum Detailed Information
Address: Bulvar Cad. No: 16 Ereğli - Konya
Tel: (332) 713 45 92


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